TIME Cover We’d Like to See

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 20,2004

RUSH: We are all wondering here, ladies and gentlemen. In light of the forged document scandal at CBS, in which forged documents — forged documents — were used to destroy a president of the United States, or to try to, we are waiting for those of you at TIME Magazine. We want to see a cover with Dan Rather on the cover of TIME Magazine, maybe a churlish look on his face with cigar smoke curling out of one corner, with the headline, “Is CBS News Good for America?”
We’d like to see a fairness-in-reporting group begin an investigation so that they could outline how many other stories CBS has made up. Why do I reference this? Because that very cover appeared with me on it, on TIME Magazine, “Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?” It was a story about talk radio, and I wasn’t even mentioned in the story. They just put me on the cover to, A, sell it, and to, B, ace a Newsweek cover story on me that was scheduled to run that he at that week, to something else.

And then, of course, there have been all these so-called fairness-in-reporting groups that have listened to this program for years and tried to chronicle the “lies” and the “mistakes” and the “errors.” Well, will this same scrutiny be applied to CBS? Because it’s a legitimate question. Is CBS good for America? Forged documents? Forged documents, with no apparent interest in finding out who did it.