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Why, that’s quite an honor for some guy that hangs around the Whistle Stop Cafe ordering bacon cheeseburgers and stops in on local elected officials to “introduce himself,” meaning they don’t know him, yet he gets invited to give all these rabble-rousing speeches. “The authenticity of the 60 Minutes documents has been hotly disputed since the report bringing them to light was aired. After Burkett was named as a possible source of the papers, The Washington Post reported on Thursday that the documents faxed to CBS bore markings indicating that they had been faxed from a Kinko’s in Abilene, 21 miles east of here. The day after, no one who knew Burkett here would comment about whether he could have been the source. ‘I have no idea; I have no individual knowledge about that,’ said David Haigler, chairman of the Taylor County Democratic Party. ‘All I know is that I trust Bill Burkett. He’s been a citizen soldier who decided to stand up and say what is on his mind, and he’s got nothing but grief for it.’ Haigler said Burkett had received several death threats since his name surfaced as a possible source for 60 Minutes.
“‘There’s just a lot of crazies out here, but Bill Burkett is not one of them,’ said Haigler. ‘I describe Colonel Burkett as a person I would trust with my life or my wife,'” in a Motel 6. Who said this? They didn’t say “the Motel 6.” I threw that in there. But does that not sound strangely familiar to what I assure people on this program? (Laughing.) Who said this? This is this Kerr fellow. Kerr, who was Kerr? How did I miss the name Kerr in this? It doesn’t matter. “The people that know him would pretty much agree with that assessment. He’s a very devout Christian; he’s a preacher’s son.” “Many of us have risked everything in this election,” Burkett said in a message posted on August 31st. “The disappointment is deep and difficult to manage. We fight on in spite of the incompetence of the president.” That’s the Washington Post piece. Just a down home guy, eats cheeseburgers at the Whistle Stop Caf?; stops in the local political office. Introduces himself to the local politicos, gets invited to make some speeches; posts some rather innocuous we-hate-Bush signs around town, but that’s pretty much it.
Now, we go to Houston Chronicle today, a <a target=new href=”http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/page1/2799919″>story</a> by Michael Hedges: “Texan Has a History of Attacks on Bush.” It’s an entirely different story on Bill Burkett. “Bill Burkett, who is emerged as a possible CBS source for disputed memos about President Bush’s Guard service has a long history of making charges against Bush and the Texas National Guard, but Burkett’s allegations have changed over the years and have been dismissed as baseless by former Guard colleagues, state legislators, and others, even Burkett has admitted some of his allegations are false.” So here in the first three paragraphs of the Houston Chronicle story, we have an entirely different portrayal of this man than what we got in the Washington Post.

How can this be? Well, we know how it could be but I mean I ask the question rhetorically. “Burkett wrote a long indictment against Bush for a website in 2003 in which he said that he personally was ordered to ‘alter personnel records of George W. Bush.’ In that article, Burkett said that when he refused, he was sent to Panama as punishment where he contracted a disabling disease. When asked about that charge by the Houston Chronicle in February, Burkett said, ‘That statement was not accurate. That’s overstated,'” Meaning his own statement. I didn’t mean that! “He has refused to return calls since the CBS report on Bush’s Guard service ran last week. He has also on occasion referred to George Bush as Hitler.”
You don’t see this in the Washington Post story. So it goes on to describe some of the quirks and characteristics. It also mentions his lawyer, David Van Os, who is a huge, big Democrat politico in that big county down there where Burkett and Ben Barnes are members, where Dan Rather has gone to make fund-raisers for a Democratic county in Texas.
One more little thing here from this Houston Chronicle piece on Bill Burkett, because it is just in such stark contrast to the Washington Post piece. Where is this paragraph? Da-da-da-da-da-da. You know, I’m sorry, folks. I should have circled it right when I saw it. It’s got to be on this page. Basically just the… Yeah, here it is. “If Burkett does prove to be the source of the documents, CBS got them from a man with a well-established history of Bush loathing. In an article Burkett wrote for the Internet last year he compared Bush to Hitler and Napoleon as one of ‘the three small men’ who sought to rule through tyranny. ‘Three small men who wanted to conquer and vanquish,’ Burkett wrote. Burkett confirmed authorship of that article in the February Chronicle interview. Some of Burkett’s friends and associates say they don’t know whether he is the CBS source.”
Well, if he is, then Bernard Goldberg’s theory has been established. What you have here is a partisan, a huge Democrat participants, with huge partisan ties to this big Democrat county down in Texas which will have ties to the DNC. No wonder Rather cannot do anything to ID in any way, shape, manner, or form the source, because Rather is out there saying that partisan political sources are hassling him over the story when the fact is that partisan political sources appear to be the sources of the forged memos. We’re still talking forged memos here! We are talking forged documents. We have a major American news organization attempting to defend the details of a story found in forged memos. Has this sunk in just how low this has gotten for the mainstream media, CBS? They are now trying to massage forged memos!
In the meantime, hell’s a-popping in places that you will not see. CBS TV affiliate network stations around the country, CBS radio affiliates, they are being bombarded with people who listen and watch who are saying, “We can’t trust you. We can’t watch this anymore.” WCBS-TV in New York earlier this week on Tuesday night, the lowest ratings of all stations on the air in New York at 6:30, behind reruns of The Simpsons! The Simpsons! They’re probably in the 15th version of reruns by this time on that station in New York, WB — or whatever it is, and then you’ve got King of Queens in reruns, and that’s beating the CBS Evening News, and the people over at WCBS Channel 2, I’m sure they’re getting phone calls from people who think that Dan Rather works there. You know, WCBS, CBS, who knows the difference? It’s all in New York. They think Rather is over there and they’re not going to watch it anymore, and then you’ve got people inside CBS people who work there who — I bet you right now that there are people who work at CBS calling their buddies at other networks, “Hey, it ain’t us. It ain’t me. I don’t want this to impact me. It’s not our division. It’s not us.” You know this is all going on. So that’s why I put out a call for a fall guy for Dan Rather. He needs somebody to fall on the sword for him real fast because they have to stop the bleeding.

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