So in The Boston Globe, the one-word weapon is Vietnam. Or, no, no. The Minneapolis Star Tribune the one word weapon is Vietnam. In The Boston Globe’s Derrick Jackson’s piece, says it has “no message yet” and in the Washington Post it’s “Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton.” Here’s where they start. “His proposed tax increases, his answer is Halliburton. Kerry’s vote against Iraq war spending, Halliburton. Kerry’s anti-terrorism credentials, Halliburton. Kerry’s ties to Hollywood liberals, Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton.”
That’s what it is that inspires people to vote for Kerry. In other words, there’s nothing about
RUSH: There’s a great story here in the Stack of Stuff. If I have time to get to it today I promise you I will. It’s about the Democratic convention and what it’s going to look like, and what kind of attitude it’s going to project. You know, what kind of vibes we’re going to get. And this story is a Boston Globe story, and it’s all about Monday night or whatever it is that Gore speaks. Don’t expect any love coming out of the Democratic convention. I mean, because there is anger and add to that — hate, if you want — that still lingers, and that’s what motivates the Democrat base right now, and so there’s going to be plenty of that that will be offered on certain nights of the Democrat convention. And this can make you feel like, “Oh, gosh look at these people. They’re really unified and they’re fired up and they’re fighting hard and so forth.” We’re in the midst of
The real answer to the question, “What’s going to happen to the left if Bush loses?” The answer is: “No. When we
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(…Rush’s John F. Kerry Stack of Stuff packed with quotes, flips & audio!)