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People want you to feel that way, you have to understand, if you’re feeling all depressed and at your wits’ end about this, understand that that’s the effect that is desired by the enemies, the opponents of George W. Bush. But let me share with you some things from my John Kerry stack. Eleanor Clift, writing — I think this is a web exclusive, it says here on Newsweek — and this goes back to Friday — seven, eight, nine — yeah, Friday. “Somewhere in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden is having the second best week of his life. American soldiers using Saddam’s torture chambers to abuse and sexually humiliate Iraqis pushes the U.S. presence in Iraq beyond the point where it can be saved. Capitol Hill is in an uproar, and the White House is panicking.
“Even Karl Rove makes rare appearances in print now, opining in remarks to an unnamed Bush advisor that it will take a generation for the Arab world to get over the revelations of last week and fretting about the perils of premising President Bush’s reelection campaign on national security. A year after the celebratory landing the USS Lincoln, the headlines are about torture and Iraq, and this time it’s not Saddam’s fault. The news is jarring for the American people. Bush was supposed to be a competent, can-do guy, and his administration looked like it’s spinning out of control. After hearing that videotapes will soon surface depicting sexually explicit scenes…”
And I’m telling you, folks, there’s something behind all that that is not going to be pleasing to a lot of people, more so than it already is not pleasing. [soto voce] Just mark my words, okay? “…some Capitol Hill aides turned to black humor. Now that the porn industry is shut down in California because of an aides scare it’s picked up and moved to Baghdad said one aide glumly.” (Gasping.) Confirmation, looks like pornography over there. She goes on and on and on, and then says, “If there was ever a moment for John Kerry to come out swinging, this is it. It’s the biggest story of the war, and he’s essentially silent. The independent voters who will decide this election want somebody who is bold, decisive, and a leader. They want somebody like McCain.”

(Laughing.) This is Eleanor Clift now. “Who even though he wears a Republican team shirt, has been candid and blunt in assessing the fallout from the Bush fiascos. Here’s where Kerry’s vaunted caution comes into play. He held a press conference Wednesday in Los Angeles where he voiced boilerplate outrage, and accused the administration of being slow and inappropriate in its response. He did call for Rumsfeld’s resignation but he’s done that before. This is the language of a diplomat when the situation requires a warrior. There are differences between Kerry and Bush on the war but most people don’t see them. The administration’s colossal mishandling of Iraq will only boost the Nader vote if Kerry doesn’t sharpen his position.”
Now, what did I just see on CNN? The same lament. “Oh, no, he’s so inept! Why, this is going to encourage Ralph Nader. The libs, despite what they want you to believe, are in a meltdown. How many efforts now have they had? How many hanging curve balls have they given John Kerry? They’ve given him the 9/11 commission; they’ve given him Richard Clarke; they gave him Condoleezza Rice; they gave him Bob Woodward; they gave him the 9/11 families; they gave him the pro-abort rally in Washington, and now he’s got this episode and the libs are saying, “Where is he? Where is our candidate?” And they are right. If your presidential candidate is not front and center during all this, if the people who are front and center are the usual tired, worn-out suspects like Ted Kennedy and Joe Bidenpense, and — pick the names — Carl Levin?
I mean, he may be a fine senator for you Democrats in Michigan, but let’s face it, he is not the guy around whom a successful — none of these people, are — around whom a successful presidential candidacy is going to swirl, and Kerry is nowhere to be seen. In fact, this lists a petition demanding Rumsfeld’s resignation is actually his campaign’s doing it. I think he made one verbal, maybe two verbal references to it, but that’s it. He’s nowhere to be seen. I mean, these are not just hanging curve balls; this is slow-pitch softball. He’s being grooved home run pitches. He’s not even at the plate, much less taking swings at them, and these Democrats, these libs, are pulling their hair out. They can’t figure out, “Where is he?” And when he does open his mouth, nobody can hear him say anything because it’s diplomaticspeak. When he does open his mouth, people say, “What? Who said that? What was that person trying to say?” And they realize that was their presidential candidate; nobody knows who he is or what he’s trying to say.
He’s still running ads on TV saying, “Here’s who I am,” and guess what? Insight magazine has a feature they call the Insider, and this is from most recent issue. Hang on, folks, I feel a sneeze. Oh, no! (pause) Oh, no. (sniffle) Ah. Ah. No, this cannot be happening to me right in the middle of a killer monolog on Kerry. I was up late last night and people who were consuming adult beverages and… Okay, I think I — I think I staved it off. I don’t think I’ve sneezed but one time on this program. Anyway, “The newest $25 million John Kerry advertising buy includes film of a young Kerry, rifle in hand, strutting through a Vietnamese jungle village in full field regalia. Boston journalists who have seen it are (laughing). When Kerry has shown them this footage over the years he described it as a ‘re-enactment’ staged by Kerry with a Super-8 home-movie camera. Others say the original shots may have been part of his defense for an anticipated court martial.

“Kerry says in his latest ads: [sing-song voice:] ‘I enlisted becaaaause I believed in service to coooountry.’ Let’s see, that and because his draft board had turned him down for a playboy year in France and he was about to be drafted to go to Vietnam as a common soldier. Reminding everyone he had prepped at Fessenden and St. Paul’s, and was tapped Skull and Bones at Yale…he opted like any elitist to enter the Navy as an officer candidate. Then the ads say that Kerry ‘joined John McCain to find the truth about POWs and MIAs in Vietnam.’ What he did in fact was to have the committee records shredded to prevent the truth from being known that the United States knowingly left POWs behind in communist hands. The Kerry ads even claim that the Massachusetts senator cast the ‘decisive vote’ in the 1993 deficit-reduction bill – a vote which in fact was cast by Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska.”

“Kerry says in his latest ads: [sing-song voice:] ‘I enlisted becaaaause I believed in service to coooountry.’ Let’s see, that and because his draft board had turned him down for a playboy year in France and he was about to be drafted to go to Vietnam as a common soldier. Reminding everyone he had prepped at Fessenden and St. Paul’s, and was tapped Skull and Bones at Yale…he opted like any elitist to enter the Navy as an officer candidate. Then the ads say that Kerry ‘joined John McCain to find the truth about POWs and MIAs in Vietnam.’ What he did in fact was to have the committee records shredded to prevent the truth from being known that the United States knowingly left POWs behind in communist hands. The Kerry ads even claim that the Massachusetts senator cast the ‘decisive vote’ in the 1993 deficit-reduction bill – a vote which in fact was cast by Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska.”
Remember that? We played that ad, “He cast the deciding vote to create 20 million new jobs.” Remember we heard that? How do you do that? How do you cast one vote out of a hundred in the Senate and who knows however many in the House, and claim your vote created 20 million new jobs? It was Bob Kerrey! It was he that was the last vote. It was Bob Kerrey who was the last vote. But he’s using reenacted footage in that ad of him walking through the Vietnamese jungle carrying a rifle. It is fake! He’s a fraud! He’s phony. And these journalists in Boston, he’s shown this, because if you ever went to his office — and what I understand, if you were a journalist over the years and got invited, and he wanted to do an interview, got invited to his office, he showed you his scrapbook and videos from Vietnam. He was almost obsessed with doing this.
So we got Judy Woodruff; we’ve got Eleanor Clift, begging for Kerry to stand up and be seen and be heard. “Say something! Head Ralph Nader off at the pass!” They’re all saying, “Where is the guy? How do you…” Bill Clinton would have been out there on this like white on rice, and Kerry’s nowhere. And now it’s come out that he’s using fake footage in his ad and trying to make people think that Bob Kerrey is John Kerry on this last Senate vote. Anyway, it’s not pretty out there for Kerry, folks, even amidst all this. You’d think the libs would be just happy as they can be. You’d think the libs would be on cloud nine. You would think they think in their on the verge of taking over the country — then they look at their candidate, and they are miserable.
If you’re miserable because of this prisoner story, and these photographies — or photographs, the photographers have taken all this stuff — if you are down in the dumps about it, just understand this. The libs are even more distressed than you are. Because it’s true. They’re making no bones about it. Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post today, today, in the midst of this we’re-going-to-get-Bush-once-and-for-all frenzy, today Howard hurry Kurtz has a story that lists every other media column and story suggesting it’s time for Kerry to quit and asks the question, “Are they right? Is it time?” Again — and last week we had the Torricelli option — people out there say, “Okay, we’ve got a precedent now for getting rid of a Democrat who’s doing badly,” and the reason year upset, you may be seeing polls that show, “Close as Florida! Close as 2000! Close as this!”

It is. Kerry’s only up by one point in California. He’s not winning New Jersey. It is close where it ought not be — and the libs think that Kerry ought to be 15, 20 points ahead. And you know, by all rights, he should be. Can we be honest? With all this, with this onslaught that’s going on just since the beginning of this year, the Democratic presumptive, assumed nominee ought to be 15 points ahead of Bush, and he’s barely tied in most places down a point or two. This is not how the script was written. Okay, here’s the Kerry (ad). We’re going to play this for you. This is where Kerry claims he created 20 million new jobs with a vote — and we also learned in this ad, by the way, that Kerry served in Vietnam.
PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCER: He was born in an Army hospital in Colorado. His father was an Army Air Corps pilot; his mother a community leader. He went to college at Yale and volunteered to serve in Vietnam.
MAN: The decisions that he made saved our lives.
MAN: When he pulled me out of the river, he risked his life to save mine.
PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCER: In combat he earned the Silver Star the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts then he came home determined to end that war. For more than 30 years, John Kerry has served America as a tough prosecutor he fought for victims’ rights. In the Senate he was a leader in the fight for health care for children. He joined with John McCain to find the truth about POWs and MIAs in Vietnam. He broke with his own party to support a balanced budget. Then in the 1990’s, cast a decisive vote that created 20 million new jobs. A lifetime of service and strength. John Kerry for president.
RUSH: It was actually (laughing) Bob Kerrey that cast that vote, but it’s silly to say that one vote, just because it came last, was the one that gave us 20 million new jobs. It’s silly.

<*ICON*>Your Resource for Combating the Partisan Media, Liberals and Bush-Haters…
(…Rush’s John F. Kerry Stack of Stuff packed with quotes, flips & audio!)

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