Kerry’s New Ad Just a Sleepy Retread

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 23,2004

We have the audio of the latest Kerry commercial in the audio link below, which is entitled, “Fought for his country.” It has footage of Kerry walking out of a jungle in Vietnam 30 years ago. I asked yesterday if Good Morning, America or The Today Show would go out and find a surviving family member of a person killed in Vietnam, one of the 50,000, and ask them how they feel today, seeing the Vietnam War used as a political tool in a candidate for president’s TV ad campaign. Of course, they did not.
When you listen to this thing, be honest with me on this, does this guy not just sound asleep? There’s no energy here. He says in this ad that we need to get some things done in this country. All right, fine, so we’re waiting for a new agenda, new ideas, right? But what does he list? Affordable health care – for how many decades have we been hearing about it from these people? Rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy – they’ve been doing that since the tax code was invented in 1913. Really investing in our kids ? where did Bill Clinton screw it up? That’s all he did, including creating the term “investments” for spending.
There’s nothing new about this. It’s just old retreads. It’s like Kerry’s gone to the used tire store and put them on his campaign bus. It just boggles the mind. Then he says he has a new plan to create jobs and put our economy back on track. The economy is back on track! In fact, there’s a story in the Boston Globe about what the jobless statistics don’t reveal. This piece admits that there are jobs being created by the economy.

Meanwhile, while Kerry promises to raise your taxes, the media has put together a sum total of all five John Kerry homes, except the one he sold in Italy. All five of these homes have an assessed value of $33 million. It’s chump change, actually. But nevertheless, if you earn 200 grand, he’s going to raise your taxes, yet you could not afford one of his homes.

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