During a break Tuesday, I saw CNN’s reporterette come out of the briefing to be interviewed by their anchorette. The anchorette talked to the reporterette, and they put up a graphic which said, “Bush’s Military Record: Dems Attack Guard Service.” No, CNN, the Democrats aren’t, the press just did. The press attacked Bush. You are guys are passing it off on the Democrats. They are, too, of course.
Then on PMSNBC, they went to old Lurch, the Shar-Pei himself, and they asked Kerry, “What did you think about the White House response?” And an MSNBC reporter embed with the campaign said that Kerry said he didn’t want to comment, because it wasn’t an issue he created and its not his records they’re talking about. Man, this is Clintonesque.
Terry McAuliffe is out there saying, “We sense that Bush is worried.” They’re all happy that Bush is worried. Terry, let me tell you something, a lot of us are worried. We’re worried about you; we’re worried about people in your party; we’re worried we’re not going to be safe if you guys succeed in taking the country back and placing power in your hands.