Bush-Haters Far, Far Surpass Any Clinton-Hate Jun 4, 2003There is a war going on in this country that, politically, mirrors the Israel-Palestine situation....
If Intel Lies, Why Buy Warnings? Jun 4, 2003Read the Articles…Headline: CIA says al Qaeda ready to use nukesSource: Washington...
Why Didn’t Iraq Just Give In? Jun 4, 2003<span id=”Par_0008_col” style=”font-family:arial; font-size:12px;...
Gallup: No WMD, No Prob Jun 4, 2003<span id=”Par_0008_col” style=”font-family:arial; font-size:12px;...
Illegal Saddam Missiles Found Jun 4, 2003<span id=”Par_0008_col” style=”font-family:arial; font-size:12px;...
Libs Need Yet Another Think Tank Like a Fish Needs Moisturizer Jun 4, 2003I cannot keep a straight face with this story, as you can hear in the audio link below where I...