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This is the second time this has happened! On May 8, 2002, Senator John McCain (R-Media) issued a statement on the rental of the last 100 jets from Boeing for this same purpose. Quote: “Dan Crippen, Director of CBO, wrote that the total cost of the leasing proposal as analyzed by the CBO would total $37 billion while an outright purchase of the tanker aircraft would cost the taxpayers $25 billion.” Of this latest deal, Senator McCain said: “It’s a lousy deal for the Air Force and for the American taxpayer.” But a great, sweet deal for Mr. & Mrs. D.
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) said, “[T]he people who fly these planes and the soldiers who rely on them win.” It’s one of the few Murray quotes sympathizing with the military. You know, if these billions and billions going to Boeing were a tax cut, Daschle and Murray would scream that the money “came out of Social Security.” Yet no new spending program is ever said to come out of the mouths of seniors – especially not when Linda Daschle is a paid lobbyist for the beneficiary. She’s the wife of cunning, soft and sweet Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle so she gets a pass. This pair slurps up piles of money from this company every year. “How much money, Rush?” We don’t know how much, because the happy couple refuses to release their tax returns. Isn’t it great to be a Democrat, and to know the mainstream press will never call you on this stuff?

<*ICON*> Read the Key Dirty Secrets on Linda Daschle’s Lobbying Career…
<a target=new href=”//home/daily/site_032803/content/linda.member.html”>(The Linda Problem – 1.20.03)</a>
<a target=new href=”//home/eib_nukes_daschle_s_political_points/eibnukes.member.html”>(EIB Nukes Daschle’s Political Points: 1. Linda Daschle – Lobbyist – 1.31.03)</a>
<a target=new href=”//home/folder/july_11_daschle_stonewalls.member.html”>(Daschles Stonewall on Tax Returns As Dems Become Character Cops – 7.11.02)</a>
<a target=new href=”//home/daily/site_010903/content/stack_a.member.html”>(Mrs. Daschle To Keep Raking It In – 1.08.02)</a>

<*ICON*>Hungry for more?
Enjoy scores of articles every day in Rush’s Total Stack of Stuff(details)

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