Cookie Cutter Pretty Boys Bash Bush

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 18,2002

They keep saying this stuff and I say just let them. Let them say it. It didn’t get their vote out last time. The days of this getting their vote out en masse, with this tax cuts for the rich costing national security are over. These are the guys that were absent on national security on 9-11, and they know it, and that’s why John Edwards is saying that we need major improvements to national security. That whole statement is totally poll driven.
Who doesn’t think we need to improve national security? We always need to improve our national security – and what is this missile shield, if not improving security? So while they’re complaining that we need to improve national security, Bush is out there on the next stage of improvement, strategic defense. Way to go, Senator Edwards. These Democrats cannot get themselves on the same page. Even when one of them manages to get on the right page, they can’t stay there for more than a day, before their own words screw them up, and they end up on another page.
Meanwhile, President Bush is likely to declare Iraq in material breach of the United Nations Security Council resolution on disarmament as soon as our men, materiel, arms, troops, and so forth are ready to go. The material breach is only a matter of time – and when that happens, the Democrats will be left behind, yet again.