Who Implemented Affirmative Action?

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 16,2002

Richard Nixon, it could be said, was the author of affirmative action. Nixon! Of course he’ll never get credit for it because he’s the #1 most despised person among the current crop of history writers. Historian magazine’s spring 1998 issue reports on this story. Yes, in 1969 Nixon ? not JFK or LBJ ? was the first to implement federal policies designed to guarantee minority hiring to combat racial inequalities in the workforce. Incidentally, Nixon won 30% of the black vote in 1960.
He was the first U.S. government official to meet with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Compare that to the Kennedys, who wiretapped Dr. King’s telephone. Compare that to the liberal record on school vouchers ? an idea conceived by conservative economist Milton Friedman! Bottom line: so-called liberals want all their constituents staying dependent on government.
Liberals look at a person of color and say, “I know you can’t do it on your own. You can’t compete. So I’ll help you by giving you a few bucks or a head start.” Conservatives say, “You can do it! I believe in you.” We invent things like enterprise zones and school vouchers – and we fight for them while liberals stand in our way! Let’s embrace this legacy, and stop accepting this racist label as fact. We didn’t earn it, and we shouldn’t have to feel guilty about it.