Sander Levin is Jewish, so he is unfit for office? He’s never owned a Christmas tree? Is that not “code” for something? I mean, these Democrats love to say anything a Republican says is “code,” to the point where they’ve said tax cuts are racist, so how about calling anti-Semitism what it is? There’s not a word about bigotry or racism or anti-Semitism in the stories on this!
Had Bill Callahan been a Republican, he would have been strung up somewhere, or he’d have been sent to join the PLO. But he’s a Democrat, so there’s not a word about extremism, racist rhetoric or anti-Semitism – and Levin didn’t even respond that way. This is just unbelievable. I just had to tell you about that, folks, because you may not hear about it outside of Michigan. I wanted you to know it. I want everybody to know everything that’s important on this program.