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Vazsonyi’s op-ed takes it’s title, “This Above All,” from Hamlet, and praises Rush for embodying the close of that phrase: “to thine own self be true.” Yes, Rush has remained steadfast in his beliefs – even when doing so has put him at odds with President Bush and, therefore, with many of you. Rush knew so-called campaign finance reform, for example, represented a shredding of the First Amendment, so he let the president have it for signing it.
The piece points out that Rush has thrived during a decade and more of radical world change despite well-led, coordinated attacks to destroy him. Writes Vazsonyi,
“[N]o effort has been spared to demolish Rush. His enemies are legion. They include everyone who, as Rush would put it, has no stomach for the truth. And, sadly, the number of those is steadily rising. But, thank goodness, so is the number of opening minds. Nonetheless, as we speak, Rush finds himself under daily attack by some of his own constituency. Why? Because he remains true to himself.”
“Strange,” the piece closes, “He was not required to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, he just does it. Our nation’s capital is packed with folks who have furnished such an oath. Would that they implemented it half as well.” We at the EIB Network had no idea this piece was coming. Rush only learned about it when his brother David found it while browsing the Internet. As Rush said, “I’m quite humbled by this. Thanks, Balint. I appreciate this. I really do.”

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