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RUSH: Folks, this is it. This is the last day. You have got to shop at TwoIfByTea.com by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time tonight to be automatically registered to be one of three big grand prize sweepstakes winners that includes a day spent with us watching the program here at the EIB Network. It’s a three-day/two-night trip.

I want to make a point about this. We don’t pick the date. We pick a date range. We want every winner, a total of six people here, to be able to come in the same three-day period. We will play around with it, but we do not give you a date that you have to make work. We will work around the winners’ ability to get here. It’s first class all the way.

It’s state-of-the-art accommodations here at a luxurious compound in South Florida. It’s a day at the EIB Network, spent getting your photo taken behind (tap, tap) the Golden EIB Microphone, seeing the environment, watching the program, sitting behind Snerdley as he screens calls.

It’s our annual kick-off-the-summer and kick-off-tea season sweepstakes at TwoIfByTea.com. We’re a proud sponsor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. They’re a great organization. They give financial aid and scholarships to children of Marines killed in action. Everything we do at TwoIfByTea.com is in honor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation and the military in general.

So you have, again, from right now through 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time tonight, to be one of three incredibly, out-of-this-world, once-in-a-lifetime lucky winners. This doesn’t happen very often. We don’t let people in here very often. We are heavily fortified and bunkered and we do our best to keep people out of here. But here we welcome the winners aboard.

You have from now until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time Friday night to go to TwoIfByTea.com and shop. Now, in honor of this, we have lowered the price of Two If By Tea. Rush Revere is our icon right on the bottle. We have the best bottle in the business. It’s not one of these cheapy, crinkly bottles that crumbles to bits when you pick it up. Sturdy bottle. Great shape.

It’s one of the best labels, one of the best icons, and it all enshrouds the best-tasting iced tea you’ve ever had. I don’t say that because I have to. Kathryn and I personally choose, by exhaustive testing, the final recipes that make up each flavor, and they’re just so good it’s incredible. So we’ve reduced the price. The shipping is free.

All you have to do is shop by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time tonight and you could be one of three grand prize winners that wins a trip here at the EIB Southern Command. There are 100 other prizes, too. There’s nothing chintzy here. We will personally call you if you’re one of the winners. You can go right now to TwoIfByTea.com.

You should anyway, because you have to go there to shop. All that means is you’re automatically registered. You don’t have to go register. You don’t have to go to a special form. All you have to do is shop and that’s it. The rules are all there. You can listen to a tape of previous winners being called, and hear how thrilled — shouting, screaming excited — they are when they get the call.

It could be you next.

We could be telling you that you’re the latest winner.

So help us kick off the tea season. Help us with our sponsorship of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, and take the chance that you could be one of the three out-of-this-world, luckier-than-you-could-possibly-imagine winners. You can bring your spouse or a friend, or you don’t have to bring anybody. You can come alone or you can gift it to somebody. It’s yours to do with what you want.

Three people will come here to watch a program whenever it works out for all three winners at the same time.

TwoIfByTea.com by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time tonight.

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