RUSH: As I noted yesterday, speaking of the — oh, folks. Folks! How could I have failed to mention this. Out of the blue, some forensic audiologist has come across a brand-new, never-before-heard tape of the shooting incident of the gentle giant. Yes siree, Bob, CNN, it’s been all they’ve been covering all morning is this new tape, and the audiologist who’s analyzed it. There are way more than six shots in this tape, and there’s a gap after the first six shots, yeah. And as CNN said today, that gap is everything. I don’t know how long the gap is, but after the gap there’s at least four more shots. And of course CNN’s concluding, since the gentle giant was unarmed, it had to be the cop going crazy.
There’s only one problem. Nobody can confirm it. They’re running with a totally rumor story! But it’s now out there and everybody’s reacting to it as though it’s a part of the investigation and that the cops have had it and it’s been suppressed and what have you. But somebody’s just discovered it.
Anyway, what I was going to say, I noted yesterday while watching at times live television coverage of the funeral of the gentle giant, that the funeral crashers weren’t there. The Clintons got nowhere near there. Now, the White House, as we talked about in our Morning Update today, the White House sent a delegation. They sent more people to the funeral of the gentle giant than they sent to the Arlington National Cemetery funeral of a two-star general killed in Afghanistan recently named General Harold J. Greene.
They didn’t send anybody. Not one representative from the Regime traveled across town in Washington to attend his funeral at Arlington. The Regime sent more people to the funeral of the gentle giant than they sent to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher. But, anyway, the funeral crashers were not there. The Clintons, whenever there is a political funeral, the Clintons, you can’t keep them out, and you can’t keep Bill away from the microphone delivering a eulogy. But they weren’t there, and their absence was noticed by others in the Drive-Bys, and they are not happy.
RUSH: We had a caller last week from Utah. He said, “Rush, you know, there’s a crime out here, a white kid was shot, and the media referred to the cop as something “other than white.” Yeah, we haven’t heard about that story yet. Oh, yeah, it’s big out there. The point is we have a white kid shot. It’s St. Louis in reverse. We have a white kid, not armed, shot. And the media out there are describing the officer as something “other than white.” I’ve been waiting. The story has finally appeared in the Washington Times. So it hasn’t appeared yet. Details coming up.
Here is Sunday, West Hampton Beach, New York, Books & Books, the Hamptons. Hillary, after signing more than 700 books, an unidentified reporter ran into her and asked her a question.
REPORTER: Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Are they all, making that all over …
REPORTER: Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Thank you, guys.
REPORTER: What’s your reaction to Ferguson, Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Thank you all so much.
RUSH: (imitating exchange) “Secretary Clinton, what is your reaction to Ferguson, Secretary Clinton?” “Thank you guys, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you all so much.” Not a word. Well, this did not sit well with Marc Lamont Hill. Yesterday afternoon, CNN’s Newsroom, the fill-in anchor was Ana Cabrera speaking with Marc Lamont Hill of now Morehouse College. And she says, “So, she pretended to not hear it, Marc. She pretended not to hear the question. Did you hear that? She pretended not to hear the question about Ferguson. How long do you think she can avoid questions on difficult issues like this one, Marc?”
HILL: Not much longer because I think people are frustrated. Her decision to ignore the question and to not proactively and assertively address the Ferguson issue is shameful. Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself. The Clintons have made so much of their political bones on the backs of black voters, getting black support, getting black love, identifying black causes. Hillary Clinton will go to Selma in 2008 and clap with black people and put on a fake Southern accent and pretend to identify with black struggle and black pain, but now that real black issues are on the table, now that real black struggle is in the public eye, she has said nothing, and her silence is both telling and disappointing.
RUSH: Folks, I’ve gotta parse that. I just have to. I have to parse that but I don’t have enough time to do it before the break, so, here, grab sound bite six. This is what he’s talking about. This is what he’s talking about with Mrs. Clinton in Selma in 2007.
HILLARY (with stereotypical accent): I don’t feel no ways tired!
AUDIENCE: (applause)
HILLARY: I come too far from where I started from!
AUDIENCE: (applause)
HILLARY: (haltingly) Nobody told me that the road would be easy! I don’t believe He brought me this far to leave me!
RUSH: Right. That’s Mrs. Clinton with her black dialect — she doesn’t have a gift, Harry — from Selma in 2007. “I don’t feel no ways tired.” Have to take a break. Yes, we have to parse this.
RUSH: Okay. Let me first speculate, informed speculation. Why are the Clintons not in Ferguson? Why haven’t they shown up? Why haven’t they dropped in and dropped out? I mean, they didn’t even spend five minutes there. They have not even gone to Missouri, much less St. Louis. Why not? (interruption) Yeah, but why is it poison? Why is it poi…?
I’ll tell you. There has to be polling data that shows the public is not buying the anti-cop version of the story. There has to be polls. The Clintons don’t do anything without polling it first, particularly something that’s a firecracker like this. They’re not going in there because there’s obviously polling data that shows the public is not siding with the gentle giant side or version of the story.
That has to be why. And, of course, it’s got the civil rights community in an uproar because they think that they propped up Bill Clinton and gave him credibility as “the first black president” when he was out there calling himself that. Well, actually Toni Morrison called him that, but he accepted it. So let’s go back. Grab sound bite number 15.
I want to play the thing… Let’s see. No, let’s do a start-stop. The best way to parse this would be a start-stop. So you have your finger standing by on the computer STOP button there, because this may go line by line. I mean, this parse is gonna be very instructive, folks. First off, Marc Lamont Hill. He is an accredited member of the civil rights coalition.
He’s a professor of black studies and whatever else, and he’s taught at Columbia. He’s taught at… I don’t know. When he used to be on TV he was always from Philadelphia, so he did something there. Now he is at Morehouse College. He’s on Fox. He’s on CNN. He travels around. He has become an accredited spokesman, almost like the black Fareed Zakaria GPS.
He’s just everywhere, and he is one of the new accredited TV civil rights movement guests that the media always turn to find out exactly what the conventional wisdom in the Democrat Party black America is. So he’s important in that regard. So here he is. They play the audiotape, the video of Hillary blowing off the question from the reporter in the Hamptons about Ferguson — just blowing it off, ignoring the reporter. He is outraged yesterday afternoon explaining why.
HILL: Not much longer, because I think people are frustrated. Her decision to ignore the question and to not proactively and assertively address the — the Ferguson issue is shameful. Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself. The Clintons have made so much of their political bones on the backs of black voters, getting black support, getting black love, identifying with black causes —
RUSH: Stop the tape! Stop the tape. Right there. Marc Lamont Hill is admitting that the Clintons and the black community has always been a game. It’s always been an arrangement. It’s always been a mutually beneficial arrangement. It has always been a game. In other words, it isn’t real. It’s manufactured or it’s strategic. “The Clintons have made so much of their political bones on the backs of black voters.”
That means black voters have propped ’em up. That means the Clintons have used black voters. This is one of the… How do I say this? It’s a major break in the Clinton civil rights coalition alliance. Now it’s just one guy, but that’s my point. He speaks for a lot of people. A lot of ’em are ticked off that Hillary didn’t show up for the gentle giant’s funeral or to show up and march with Sharpton and the rest of the crew.
So when he says something, he’s not just speaking for himself. Okay, so that’s the first thing to note. He’s admitting it’s an arrangement and always has been. It’s always been mutually beneficial. It’s a strategy, and the Clintons and the black community knew it. The black community props up the Clintons, the Clintons benefit from it, and they return the favors.
But now Hillary has gone sour on the deal by dissing them. I mean, blowing off the question, not even answering the question? You don’t know… Folks, this is a huge diss what Hillary did in that sound bite. Here, play… Well, no, you can’t, ’cause we’ll lose our place on 15. Okay, let’s just keep going. Resume 15 here.
HILL: — Hillary Clinton will go to Selma 2008 and clap with black people and put on a fake Southern accent and pretend to identify with black struggle and black pain —
RUSH: Stop! The! Tape! That’s the first time I have ever heard anybody in the Democrat Party tell the truth about Hillary Clinton’s purpose and presence in Selma. The first time. I have never heard a ranking civil rights person properly and with anger categorize Mrs. Clinton’s appearance in Selma in 2007 as the phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roller event that it was.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, who besides us ever plays that video anymore? The Drive-Bys don’t keep repeating that. You don’t find Hillary and her black dialect impersonation all over the media. You hear it here on this program. We play it whenever it’s appropriate. But yet Marc Lamont Hill knew. Now, whether he heard about it on this show, I don’t know.
Maybe not.
Maybe the truth is that they were irritated the first time they heard Hillary do it. They know! The bottom line of this whole sound bite is they’re admitting this whole alliance is phony. It’s also… I’ll tell you what else I think is going on: I think Hillary is acting as though, if she’s the nominee, she’s gonna get the black vote no matter what. She doesn’t have to go to Ferguson. She didn’t have to risk anything.
If the polling data says that people aren’t buying the gentle giant version the story, she’ll stay away. She says, “No harm, ’cause I’m gonna get the black vote no matter what.” I think Marc Lamont Hill has a deep resentment for that assumption as well. But I’ve never heard this before. I’ve never heard Mrs. Clinton be called out by another Democrat for faking that appearance in Selma.
Here it is again. This is what he was talking about.
HILLARY (with stereotypical accent): I don’t feel no ways tired!
AUDIENCE: (applause)
HILLARY: I come too far from where I started from!
AUDIENCE: (applause)
HILLARY: (haltingly) Nobody told me that the road would be easy! I don’t believe He brought me this far to leave me!
RUSH: That’s 2007, Selma, Hillary trying to show she’s down for the struggle, and all this time — all this time — the left’s civil rights leaders have known it was a bogus, phony thing. They always look the other way because the arrangement between the black community and the Clintons was what it was. But look at how fragile that relationship is if just not answering one Drive-By guy’s question can crack it.
Now, it’s a temporary thing. I know I sound like I’m making a big deal of this, but I what it means is that this coalition, this alignment — this Democrats, the Clintons and the black community — is all strategic. It’s not real, folks. It’s not real. The black community doesn’t look at the Clintons as nicer and sweeter and more supportive. They don’t look at ’em that way. They’re just liberals.
The one thing that unites them is their ideology, which is a point that I’ve been trying to make since I began this the show: The Democrat Party is a coalition of disparate groups that have all kinds of competing interests, but the one thing they’ve got in common… Well, it’s two things: They hate Republicans and conservatives, and they love liberalism and Big Government.
The feminists have their agenda, the global warmers have theirs, the civil rights guys have their agenda. They’re quite different, and sometimes it’s a challenge to keep all those people unified. So here is, to me, evidence that they don’t really get along. I’m telling you this psychologically. You know, you sit around and you look at the media treat Bill Clinton as a star. He’s a reprobate — I mean, a full-fledged, unapologetic reprobate.
Yet he’s the biggest star in American politics, and you wonder, “What’s wrong here? We got people on our side that are moral and nice and clean cut and they do everything right, and they’re called racist, sexist, bigot, homophobes. Here you’ve got this guy having sex with an intern, not respecting the Oval Office.
“He can do all this lying before grand jury and all, and he’s a hero and a star, and it’s because he’s so popular and he’s so liked?” Don’t buy that, folks. I’m telling you, the reason these people are aligned isn’t personal, and this is just illustrating it. So it can be shattered. My point is: This can be shattered. This coalition can be busted up. Let’s finish with the Marc Lamont Hill sound bite and parse.
HILL: Real black issues are on the table now that real black struggle is in the public eye. She has said nothing, and her silence is both telling and disappointing.
RUSH: Wait a minute, now !So the gentle giant story in Ferguson means that “real black issues are on the table [and] real black struggle is in the public eye,” and when it gets real, she isn’t there, and neither is Bill. Now, was Rodney King not real? Was Trayvon Martin not real? What is it about this? What is it about this that separates it from all the others? Why is it that Marc Lamont Hill thinks that this is the real black issue.
Finally, “[r]eal black issues are on the table … real black struggle is in the public eye,” and Hillary hasn’t shown up. That means that all the things that everybody thinks the Clintons have done for African-Americans the past number of years don’t count for anything, ’cause that wasn’t real. This is, for some reason, is. Grab sound bite 14. This is what got this all started. It’s Mrs. Clinton at a book signing in the Hamptons.
I mean, you don’t get whiter than the Hamptons. You don’t get whiter, you don’t get more liberal, you don’t get wealthier than the Hamptons. And while the gentle giant is in the funeral home and the wake is taking place and people are coming to town to pay their respects, where is Hillary? Trying to reverse the ill fortunes of her horrible book by sitting in a bookstore in the white liberal Hamptons selling 700 copies trying to earn a profit.
While real black issues are the table, she’s not there, and a reporter asks her about Ferguson.
REPORTER: Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Are they all, making that all over …
REPORTER: Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Thank you, guys.
REPORTER: What’s your reaction to Ferguson, Secretary Clinton?
HILLARY: Thank you all so much.
RUSH: “I ain’t no way tired. I have another signing to get to!”
RUSH: “I ain’t no ways tired.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is the first time a Democrat has mocked Hillary Clinton’s fake black dialect. It is the first time that a black has mocked Hillary’s fake black dialect. And let’s go back, one more quick little sound bite. This is October 14th, 2007. Hillary was running around then — remember, in 2007 this was just the run-up to the coronation.
Remember, in 2007 the Democrat Party presidential nomination in 2008 was hers, guaranteed, payback, all those years of propping up Bill, all that stuff, it was hers. It was gonna be a coronation. Obama hadn’t yet surfaced as a darling of the media. It’s her turn; it’s her time. She is on TV One, one on one, Senator Hillary Clinton remarks about African-American voters.
HILLARY: I want African-Americans to feel that when I’m president, it’s another Clinton presidency. And we’re gonna be doing everything we can to get this country to be on the side of them and people who are working hard and struggling so that they can have a better chance.
RUSH: Another Clinton presidency. So she was whining and dining the black community back in 2007, and she thought she had ’em, and she probably thinks that if she gets the nomination now she’ll have ’em. She’s probably thinking, “Ferguson, nobody’s gonna remember this in 2016. Between me and whoever the Republicans throw up, the black votes are gonna come my way.” She’s not gonna have to worry about it. So she’s not gonna go to Ferguson ’cause, I’m telling you, there has to be polling data that says stay away.
Here is Mike in Raleigh, North Carolina. You’re up first today, sir. It’s great to have you here. Hi.
CALLER: Oh, it’s great to be on, Rush. Thanks a lot.
RUSH: You bet, sir.
CALLER: I disagree a little with you, though, on this polling data reason. I think it’s revenge, that they dissed her in 2008.
RUSH: You mean the reason she’s not going to Ferguson?
CALLER: Right. It’s revenge.
RUSH: Are you kidding? You think the Clintons are that filled with revenge-type motives? You think Clintons are just focused on, “Oh, yeah? I’ll show you” kind of get-even-with-’em-ism?
CALLER: Let me throw that back at you. Don’t you?
RUSH: (laughing) Well, yeah, for Republicans. (laughing) Okay, so let’s put it out there. My theory is that there’s polling data — and I’m not abandoning this, by the way — there’s polling data out there that the Clintons have, and a lot of people have, they’re not the only Democrats that have not gone in there.
CALLER: Right. Right.
RUSH: And it may well be that this is an Obama owned and operated event and Sharpton is Obama’s guy, and it may be off-limits to everybody else. I don’t know what arrangements have been made. But for whatever reason, she’s not there, and I posit that it’s polling. You think — and I kind of like this — you think that Hillary’s nose is still out of joint because African-Americans rejected her for Obama in 2008, gave him the nomination, after all she and Bill had done for them?
CALLER: That’s what I believe, and that’s what their machine does.
RUSH: And so this is payback, this is, “All right, you don’t support me, you abandon me, to hell with this thing in Ferguson.”
CALLER: Absolutely.
RUSH: Kind of shortsighted. Do you know politicians who treat voters that way?
CALLER: Well, they’re only treating a segment and Ferguson this way. Other black people aren’t gonna be upset —
RUSH: Well, I know, but once Marc Lamont Hill and the rest of the coalition goes bonkers over it, it is now beyond the bounds of Ferguson.
CALLER: Well, I just think they are that vindictive, and they still have a strategy.
RUSH: They are that vindictive against donors that abandon them or politicians that abandon ’em, but voters who abandon them? Besides, in 2016, if she’s the nominee, they’re gonna vote for her no matter what. They’re not gonna vote for Romney again, whoever it is. I don’t know who it’s gonna be, folks.