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RUSH: You know, the State-Controlled Media must really be worried that the Democrats will be blamed in a government shutdown. Republicans ought to have no worries about this at all, even if they factor in 1995. Byron York has a great piece today in the Washington Examiner. Okay, the budget shut down in 1995, Republicans took the hit, right? Well, they won election 1996. They got welfare reform in Clinton’s second term. They continued to win elections. They didn’t lose anything because of the budget shutdown. They just lost in the media, which of course they don’t like. They don’t like being ripped to shreds. But now we’ve got another government shutdown looming and the State-Controlled Media has a story here to make sure everybody knows the government would not shut down, that it’s not really that big a deal, which tells me that they know that it would be the Democrats who would take the hit.

Social Security checks would still go out. The troops would remain at their posts. Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, though not until later, and virtually every essential government agency like the FBI, the Border Patrol, the Coast Guard, would remain open. That’s the little known truth about a government shutdown. The government doesn’t shut down. The sun comes up. The sun goes down. Welfare checks are received. Abortions take place. What more could you want? Now, if the Republicans were going to take the hit, if the AP, State-Controlled AP thought Republicans were gonna take the hit on this, you wouldn’t have this story about how there’s no shutdown. We’d get a story on all the essential services that would be grinding to a halt. Yeah, the Republicans lost something like four seats in the next election after the shutdown in 1996. It wasn’t that big a deal.


RUSH: ‘Why the GOP Shouldn’t Fear a Government Shutdown.’ This Byron York at the DC Examiner. He says, ‘A lot of Republicans on Capitol Hill are terrified of a government shutdown. Look at what happened in 1995, they say, when Newt Gingrich forced a showdown with Bill Clinton and got his clock cleaned. It was a disaster the party can’t afford to repeat. But another view is emerging in Republican circles. Perhaps GOP strategists have learned the wrong lesson from 1995. Maybe this time, while Republicans shouldn’t seek a shutdown, they shouldn’t fear one, either.

‘For five reasons: One, if shutting down the government in 1995 was such a catastrophe, how come the GOP not only kept control of the House in the 1996 elections but remained the majority party in the House for a decade to come? The voter revenge predicted at the time did not happen. Two, even if the ’95 shutdown hurt the GOP — and there’s no doubt the party suffered wounds inflicted not only by Clinton but also by themselves — today’s voters are in a different mood. ‘We have fiscal crises at the federal, state, and local level, and voters understand that,’ says Bill Paxon, a former Republican lawmaker and veteran of the shutdown.

”Back in ’95, we were whistling into the wind — we were trying to preach fiscal discipline when voters were saying, ‘Hey, there’s not a problem.” Three, Republicans like House Speaker John Boehner have learned from their mistakes. ‘Our goal is to cut spending and reduce the size of government, not to shut it down,’ Boehner said recently — a statement he has repeated many times. Contrast that to ’95, when, Paxon recalls, ‘We said we wanted to shut down the government, that it was a good thing, that it would get people’s attention, that it would advance our cause.’ Now, it’s [Dingy] Harry Reid and other Democrats who seem itching for a shutdown,’ because they think history will repeat itself.

‘Fourth, today’s media environment is substantially different. ‘In ’95 there was no Internet, no bloggers, no Facebook, no Fox News,’ says Dick Armey, who was House majority leader during the shutdown. ‘The discourse of politics today is carried out in a media world that didn’t exist in 1995.’ That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be negative coverage of Republicans if a shutdown [happens], just that the overall media picture would be more balanced. The fifth reason: Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. ‘In ’95, Clinton was at the table working hard, sleeves rolled up, everybody knew we were having meetings at the White House and the president was engaged,’ says Armey.

”This president is seen as disengaged and aloof from the process. Barack Obama is a rank amateur compared to Bill Clinton.’ Looking back, Republicans concede that Clinton had their number. They particularly remember the January 1996 State of the Union [show], when, after the shutdown was over — actually there were two separate shutdowns a few weeks apart — Clinton laid a trap that still makes them wince today. Praising the dedication and commitment of federal workers, Clinton pointed to a man named Richard Dean, a Social Security employee who was in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City when it was bombed on April 19, 1995.

‘Escaping the rubble, Dean went back into the building and saved three lives. Clinton brought him to Washington to attend the speech. When Clinton asked the audience to applaud Dean’s service and heroism, lawmakers, including all the Republicans in the room, burst into an extended standing ovation. But Clinton had more to say. [doing impression] ‘Richard Dean’s story doesn’t end there,’ he continued. ‘This last November, he was forced out of his office when the government shut down. And the second time the government shut down, he continued helping Social Security recipients, but he was working without pay. …

‘I challenge all of you in this chamber: Never, ever shut the federal government down again.’ Democrats burst into applause; Gingrich sat on his hands. Republicans knew they had been outfoxed again.’ That was only half of them being outfoxed. The other half was Clinton had gotten together with all the unions and said (summarized), ‘Look, you’re going to get your Thanksgiving turkey, you’re gonna get your Christmas turkey, you’re gonna get your back pay, but I want you to go out there and act like it’s the end of your life that you’re not gonna be able to make ends meet,’ and, of course, they did; and they were all over CNN.

Remember, there was no Fox News back then. There was no PMSNBC, to speak of, and they were all over CNN with some of the biggest sob stories you’ve ever heard. And they were mostly women and minorities that were singing the blues and talking about all the pain that the Republicans had caused, and they’re sitting there with the little kids and they made sure to get emaciated kids because the school lunch program supposedly was also being targeted. Now things have changed. And, by the way, Clinton lied, because even the AP admitted that no one — not one person on Social Security — lost any money during the government shutdown in 1995.

But as I mentioned in the opening hour of today’s excursion into broadcast excellence, the AP today has an entirely different take on the government shutdown. Their headline in their story is: ‘Psst. No Shutdown During a ‘Shutdown.” They know that if there’s a government shutdown this time, it’s the Democrats are gonna take the hit, so State-Run AP says it’s really not gonna shut down. There’s no shutdown if it shuts down. ‘Social Security checks would still go out.’ That’s the first sentence of the story. ‘Troops would remain at their posts.

‘Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, though not until later. And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.’ Now, all this is a direction contradiction of the lies that Harry Reid, the rest of the Democrats have been spreading about a possible shutdown — and then AP says, ‘That’s the little-known truth about a government shutdown. The government doesn’t shut down.’ Psst. Hey! If the Republicans shut down the government, it’s not really a shutdown because they know that the Democrats are gonna take the hit on this one.

So it’s very simple to explain. Some might not know what the AP is doing here, but we do. ‘And it won’t on March 5,’ AP says, ‘even if the combatants on Capitol Hill can’t resolve enough differences to pass a stopgap spending bill to fund the government while they hash out legislation to cover the last seven months of the budget year. Fewer than half of the 2.1 million federal workers subject to a shutdown would be forced off the job if the [regime] followed the path taken by presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. And that’s not counting 600,000 Postal Service employees or 1.6 million uniformed military personnel exempt from a shutdown.’

Folks, even if there is one, there’s no shut down. Psst! Proof positive that AP understands full well the Democrats are the ones take the hit.

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