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RUSH: Katie Couric, who last night probably did not know that she was gonna be in Central Park today pushing Barry Diller’s Maserati out of the snow while he was standing there watching her do it, had this to say on her newscast.

COURIC: At the State of the Union address last night many Republicans and Democrats crossed the aisle to sit side by side in a show of unity. Well, it’s the day after. Was this just a one-night stand for most of them?

RUSH: (laughing) A one-night stand. Date night, one-night stand. And last night, Chicago, the Big 89, WLS, the Wolf & Proft show, during a discussion about the State of the Union, one of the two hosts and Representative Danny Davis, Democrat, Illinois. Now, this goes by fast, 12 seconds this is their little exchange.

HOST: Who’d you sit next to?

DAVIS: I sat next to, uh, uh, uh, Trent, uh — Republican fellow from Arizona.

RUSH: Danny Davis had no idea who he sat next to, Danny Davis, Illinois, no clue who he sat next to, that Trent guy, fellow Republican fellow from Arizona. So I guess there’s Katie’s answer, it was indeed a one-night stand. They didn’t even get names. (laughing) Apparently not even a discussion over who’s gonna pick up the hotel bill.


RUSH: Speaking of one-night stands, how many dates was it before Clinton remembered Monica Lewinsky’s name? Katie Couric says there were one-night stands at the State of the Union, got together for one night of civility and that was it. And we haven’t heard any reports of date rape, by the way, during the one-night stand, so apparently everything was fine.

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