
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Folks, I don’t know where we’re going today but this is one of these weird days. I don’t know if you have these days, but everything I look at in the news appears weird, odd, or irrelevant to me. About the only thing I can relate to out there today is these miners. They’ve been trapped down there for 70 days. I feel like I’ve been in that hole for 120 months or 20 months or whatever it is ever since Obama was immaculated, and I wish I were coming out of the hole like they’re coming out of their hole down there, using American technology and equipment. Anyway, can you imagine how my day starts? I get up and I find out that some ancestry group claims that I am a tenth cousin of Barack Obama, which means I also have a half tenth cousin-brother living in a hut. I haven’t sent him anything. Then I find out that not only am I related to Obama, so is Palin, and so is George W. Bush. This is in the New York Daily News. It’s all over the place here.

Listen to the paragraph on me: ‘As for Obama’s link to Limbaugh, Richmond Terrell was a prominent land baron in Virginia whose history, Tyler said, ‘is a little more nebulous,” and that’s all it says about my link. ‘Palin and Obama are connected through John Smith, a pastor and settler in Massachusetts. President George W. Bush is related to Palin and Obama, too, through Samuel Hinckley, who was John Smith’s father-in-law. As for Obama’s link to Limbaugh, Richmond Terrell was a prominent land baron in Virginia whose history, Tyler said, ‘is a little more nebulous.’ (laughing) This is all I know. I didn’t know I was related to anybody in Virginia. My people came from a town in Germany, Limbach, through North Carolina. My grandfather did a huge genealogical trace, found out everything there is, and at no point was it unearthed that I was related to Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama, or anybody else. But there you go. What are you going to do? And, you know, that just sets the table for the rest of the day. I’m not kidding.

Everything I look at I’m tempted to throw in the trash. Every bit of news show prep last night, during the day today, I look at it and I say, eh, eh, doesn’t get my heart racing, doesn’t excite the brain neurons. Trash, trash, trash. Then, wait a minute, by the time I finished, everything was in the trash. So I had to go back to the trash and bring stuff out and reread the Stack of Stuff. So I’ve got three of them here, three Stacks of Stuff, made up of trash.

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