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RUSH: Try this. This is a story from Zero Hedge. This is amazing. The headline says everything: “California D.A. Asks Police to Consider Whether Looters ‘Needed’ What They Stole Before Filing Charges.”

Let me read that to you again. “A district attorney in California reportedly told members of law enforcement that they should consider the needs of looters before deciding to charge them with looting. … Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton expressed her view that officers should consider whether ‘the target business’ was ‘open or closed’ at the time the looting took place, and ‘what was the manner and means’ by which the looters had managed to get inside the business.” The actual source for the story is the Daily Wire.

“The charging guidelines were laid out by Jennifer Van Laar… ‘Was this theft offense substantially motivated by the state of emergency, or simply a theft offense which occurred contemporaneous to the declared state of emergency?’ … The Daily Wire reported that Becton is the same district attorney who charged a couple with a ‘hate crime’ for painting over a Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse.”

So, if they needed what they stole, maybe they shouldn’t be charged. And if the business was open, then it’s even more likely that they weren’t committing a crime. They were satisfying a need. And if they were satisfying a need as opposed to just committing a want or desire-driven crime, then maybe we ought to think twice about charging them.

It’s California. (interruption) You think this has some upside? (interruption) You need a new Rolex. Well, then go to California. You don’t even have to have a Rolex to get a new one, but go to California. Go to California and take one and say that, hey, you needed it and you’ve heard that the D.A. — you know, go to Contra Costa County, they’re laying out exactly what you have to do here. Make sure you’re in the jurisdiction of this particular D.A.. And since it’s California, there’s also gonna be people, “Hey, this is a great idea.” This is a wonderful way of thinking.

I would love for Biden somehow to be manipulated into coming out and supporting this.

I would love to have access to Biden’s prompter and have him say he’s in favor of this kind of thing.

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