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Rush’s Morning Update: What’s In It!
June 29, 2010

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Democrats, according to Nancy Pelosi, had to pass health care reform in order for usto find out what’s in it. So they passed Obamacare;people are now finding what’s in it.

Now, one of the Democrats’ original big selling pointswas their claim that uninsured “children”up to age 26would immediately be put on their parents’ insurance plans,and life would be beautiful.

In reality, it’s not working as planned. While insurance companies were strong-armed into promising to comply immediately,nobody talked to the employers:they’re the ones who actually decide what kind of health plans are offered to their employees. And most companies will not comply any earlier than they’re required to –as late as next May. In fact, a recent survey of businesses found that 76 percent say they’re “not very likely” or “not at all likely” to comply with Obamacare early.

Young people who assumed Obama would wave his magic wand and they’dbe covered at no cost, might be surprised to learn that their parents’ employers are not so generous. Or stupid. In fact, companies are already trying to figure out how they’re going to pass along the added costs to those who are responsible for the costs –namely you, the employees.

Oh. And military families are discovering that they were left out of the plan altogether…by accidentor by design.

So as time goes by,you will find out more of what’s in it, andI can promise,you will not like it. (And yes, I’m saying that with a smile.)

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