RUSH: Andrea Mitchell (NBC News-Washington) this afternoon, had this exchange with Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings about health care reform.
MITCHELL: Bottom line, what happens if you don’t get health care for this president? This is really all-or-nothing for the sense of his power, for his legacy. He’s invested so much in this in this first year. You’ve GOT to get this for him!
CUMMINGS: Andrea, I agree with you a million percent.
RUSH: Now, she’s a correspondent. She’s a reporter, an honest journalist — an ‘honest journalist,’ as Howell Raines would say. This is one of the honest journalists out there, and Howell Raines wonders why they’re not taking on Fox News and Roger Ailes. ‘You gotta get this for him! You gotta. (crying) You gotta get this for him, Elijah! As hard as he’s worked on this, as much as he’s invested in this. Health care for this president is all or nothing, for the sense of his power, his legacy! (sobbing) You’ve got to get this!
‘I agree with you, Andrea, a million percent.’ Now will you let go of my leg? Play it again, Sam.
MITCHELL: Bottom line, what happens if you don’t get health care for this president? This is really all-or-nothing for the sense of his power, for his legacy. He’s invested so much in this in this first year. You’ve GOT to get this for him!
CUMMINGS: Andrea, I agree with you a million percent.
RUSH: (laughing) ‘You’ve GOT to get this for him! You’ve got to get this. His legacy, his sense of power. He’s invested so much in this.’ Andrea, do you have the slightest idea what’s even in this piece of manure bill? Do you have the slightest bit of knowledge what it contains?