RUSH: Ryan in Port Jervis, New York, welcome to the EIB Network, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Rush, mega dittos from Port Jervis. Honor to speak with you, sir.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: You know I’ve always kind of pictured what I was going to say when I met Rush Limbaugh and, you know, I’m a 33-year-old white male from Port Jervis, New York and what’s always kind of struck in my craw, I guess, about people’s view of the GOP — or, you know, the mainstream’s portrayal of the GOP — is that they’re all older white males. And it’s simply not true. I began listening to you when I was 14 years old.
RUSH: Yeah, so you’re a Rush Baby.
CALLER: Oh, you have no idea. When I was 14 in high school, and you had your show on channel 5. Well, it was 5 in New York.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: It was the Fox network, and I used to be up at — and I would wait until two in the morning when this came on.
RUSH: I’m sorry you had to do that but we had a feminist general manager there who refused to play it at a time when most normal people were awake.
CALLER: (laughing) Well, it was well worth the wait. I mean, I would stay up and I would watch this and I realized that, you know, in the classes I would go to, you know, in social studies and economics in business, I’m one of the only ones in class that knew what was going on, and I would watch and became like, you know, a devout follower. And, you know, to this day — and this the fact that mainly when — and I was into punk rock when I was in high school, okay? I had spiked up green hair, I had chains around the neck. I had the whole spiel, and this, you know, kind of continued through college and outside of it, but I mean so I was always kind of the outcast of my friends —
RUSH: Yes?
CALLER: — politically, but I mean the very idea that people just look at the GOP and anybody who, you know, ‘Republican’ kind of got turned into a four-letter word lately, it’s stereotypical to see people that way.
RUSH: Well, there are many stereotypes of Republicans and conservatives: racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe. But, you know, you’re right, it is really uncool to be white male today. It’s been that way for a while but really uncool to be white male.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: There’s a stigma attached to it when talking about, oh, social or political things. I understand what you’re talking about. I think this is the culmination of multiculturalism. It is the… We’re not quite at the end of it yet, but this is a process that’s been underway for a long, long time — longer than I have been doing this program — to basically tar and feather the majority.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: White men particularly. White women are considered a minority, and everybody else but white men have always been minorities. And the white men have been tyrants. They have controlled everything. They have denied or approved based on their own discrimination and bias and racism, and all of this. And so the multicultural curriculum was basically oriented around how Western Civilization and white Europeans actually destroyed what was once a great civilization and continent, North America, and gave it the polluted existence known as the United States of America — a land of bias, a land of unfairness, a land of racism, slavery, sexism, homophobia, disease, pestilence, environmental destruction. That is why you have someone like Sonia Sotomayor or who was educated under those precepts thinking and saying the things that she says.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: That is how you end up with a Barack Obama, who lives and breathes and believes the things that he says, because that’s what he’s been taught about this country. His wife, ditto. And those people are all enraged. They’re all angry. Then you throw the white liberals in there who have guilt over the charge, and so they don’t want to be the focus of the charge. So they join with the critics of the white male, and that makes them feel enlightened and advanced. But during the midst of all this… Before I say the next thing, what are you tempted to do or how are you frustrated? How is it affecting your life to know that this stigma about you is out there? Does it matter to you?
CALLER: Well, it matters to me in the way that my job goes. Right now, I do alcohol and substance abuse therapy, and I meet with a group every day which is, you know, more or less total minorities. And so when this comes out eventually… You know, the therapeutic relationship is great. You know, you set up a rapport, everything is well, but the minute it comes to something that goes even the slightest bit political and the word ‘Republican’ comes out of my mouth then it is straight downhill and to, you know, make any kind of stereotypes about a minority in the group is racist. ‘How dare you! How were you raised? Where did you come from?’ But the second ‘Republican’ comes out, ‘Ah, you’re a rich white male. You’re from Connecticut, blah, blah, blah. You don’t even know how your people did this to us,’ and it’s just all this like baggage that gets carried around.
RUSH: Well, now, I have to ask you a question.
CALLER: Yes, sir?
RUSH: In the process… You conduct these therapy sessions with the substance abusers?
RUSH: You’re the therapist?
RUSH: How does politics enter into these sessions?
CALLER: You’d be surprised.
RUSH: I mean, how do you introduce politics. Because once you say, you said, that you’re Republican then you lose them.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: Why do you tell them you’re Republican? What does it matter?
CALLER: Well, what happens is, every Monday morning we do a current events group. It comes up once in a while just on little things but when the Sotomayor thing hit where she said, you know, I can make a better decision than a white male, the first thing out of my mouth was, ‘Why is this okay but if I were nominated to be a Supreme Court judge and I said, ‘You know, I could totally make a better decision than any black male out there,’ you know, you would never see me again.’
RUSH: Okay, so that caused your group, some members of your group to blow up at you?
CALLER: Well, kind of sorta. I mean, they never blow up.
RUSH: I know but it got strained.
RUSH: There’s tension in there. Well, that’s because you told ’em the truth.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: That’s all it is. You’re challenging them. You’re talking to people that live in a cocoon that protects them from the real world. They buy into all they’ve been taught. They’re privileged. They’re special. They’re victims. You just confronted, by hitting the bull’s-eye, their cocoon. You blew up the cocoon. They don’t want to consider anything other than the comfort level existence they’ve been taught in which they live. So, bam, you hit ’em in the eye, between the eyes with the truth, and that’s why they’re lashing out at you.
CALLER: And even if I thought anything else, you know, that is what I’m going to keep with me. (laughs) Whatever the group comes up.
RUSH: Well, it is. Look, what you said to them is absolutely right. You wouldn’t have a chance if they had discovered that you as a judge had said you’re far better than an Hispanic woman, that your experiences make you more qualified. You wouldn’t see the next day in your career. You’ve just told them the truth. But, see, they have been told that they can’t be racist because they don’t have the power to implement their racism. This has been the argument the Reverend Jackson has proffered throughout my life, that it’s impossible for minorities to be racist because they don’t have any power. Well… (chuckling) President of the United States? We’re talking now about a Supreme Court justice? The days of them not having any power are over, and they are angry, and they want to use their power as a means of retribution.
That’s what Obama’s about, gang. He’s angry. He’s gonna cut this country down to size. He’s gonna make it pay for all the multicultural mistakes that it has made, its mistreatment of minorities. I know exactly what’s going on here. So you have one of two options. You can avoid telling these people the truth, which I wouldn’t suggest. Because if you’re really dealing with substance abusers and therapy, the thing you have to do is prepare them for the real world, and if they can’t face the real world, guess what they’re going to return to? Whatever they were abusing. So you’re doing a good thing. It’s just pioneers like you take the arrows. You need a thick skin and understand that what they’re saying about you is BS. You’re telling them the truth. You’re trying to help them, and just make sure you keep telling them, ‘Look, I’m trying to help you.’ You’ll eventually get through to them.