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Rush’s Morning Update: Hope & Change
Original Airdate: August 20, 2008

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A new AP report focuses on the high dropout rate at Jefferson High Skrool in Los Angeles. Six out of every ten students enrollednever graduate. That’s higher than average for inner city schoolswhere half the students usually drop out.

Compounding the problem, reports AP, a “vast number” of the kids come from single-parent homes; 90 percent of them qualify for free or subsidized skrool lunches,and nearly half of them qualify as “English learners.” (A politically correct way to say thatthey can’t speak the language.)The neighborhood is poverty strickenwith “new immigrants” from Mexico and Central America,but there are few good-paying jobs. AP reports: “While ninth graders spend a week learning conflict resolution and peer mediation– violence, particularly gang-related, frames students’ lives.”

The results of liberal policy-making are on full display at Jefferson High Skrool in Los Angeles. Here is liberalism defined:a welfare state –where low expectations are the norm. Illegal immigration is rewarded, individual responsibility is absent, parents aren’t even expected to provide food for their kids. Failure, violence, and ignorance are accepted staples of daily life,and high achievement isn’t even discussed as an option.

For millions of kids trapped in liberal schools like Jefferson High Skrool, there’s no hope; there will be no change. At least, until liberalism itself is identified as the source of failure –and is defeated. The last thing America needs now is a bigger dose of what created this unholy mess in the first place.

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