
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Today’s iPhone winner is Gustavo M. He’s from Medford, Long Island, and listens to us on AM 77, WABC, our flagship station in the Big Apple. Here’s what he gets. He gets the eight gig iPhone; he gets a check from us to cover two years of service with AT&T; a one-year subscription to The Limbaugh Letter and a one-year subscription to the website, Rush 24/7, plus a $100 gift card from BocaJava.com.

Now, I don’t know when Gustavo registered, but he did because he won the iPhone. All you have to do is go to RushLimbaugh.com and register for a Rush in a Hurry. It is a free flash e-mail that goes out about an hour, hour and a half after the program, a summary of the program that day, a little heads-up of what’s happening on the full website update later that night. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. Once you sign up and give us your e-mail address, you are registered and eligible. We have three more iPhones to give away. Walter Williams will be announcing tomorrow’s winner, even though I’m not here. Make sure he doesn’t give all three of them to one person and bring in his own winner. Just make sure he follows the rules, here. Make sure he doesn’t give one to his wife and then make her pay the service. (chuckles) You gotta watch it.

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