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RUSH: There are a couple tweets out there. Apparently Donald Trump Jr. has just had his second ten-hour grilling session over a 20-minute meeting that he had. Donald Trump Jr., 20 minute meeting with the Russian honey pot, he’s now had two nine or ten-hour interviews with investigators. And there’s some reporter for some outfit named Steven Dennis who tweets: “Donald Trump Jr. has left the building. 9 hours after arriving. He waved. He didn’t comment. Hair still slick.”

You know, next they’re gonna accuse Trump Jr. of cornering the market on Brylcreem or something. But that’s not the point. Then there’s somebody that responded to this tweet. Her name is Virginia Heffernan. She’s a contributing editor at Politico. She has bylines at the New York Times. So let me again read this Steven Dennis tweet. “Donald Trump Jr. has left the building. 9 hours after arriving. He waved. He didn’t comment. Hair still slick.”

Virginia Heffernan Politico also writes for the New York Times. “My friend Anna taught Don Jr preschool in Manhattan. She asked him to move his mat one day and he said, ‘F-you, b-i-itch.’ He was three.” I need to ask you parents. I could ask my brother about this, but I didn’t think of it. How many of you parents, three-year-old. My wife’s nephew was just over at the house, a little Christmas party on Sunday. There is no way that a three-year-old kid even knows that phrase.

How many of you with three-year-olds routinely have them speak this way? Yeah, another investigation. But again, this is somebody tweeting from The Politico who writes at the New York Times with some hearsay. “My friend Anna taught Don Jr. preschool in Manhattan. She asked him to move his mat one day, and he said F-you, b-i-itch. He was three.” And then she wrote, “Today’s for you, Anna.”

I guess because they think Donald Trump Jr. is in trouble and getting in trouble here while his hair is slicked down is payback for telling his preschool teacher, F-you, b-i-itch when he was three.

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