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RUSH: I want to move on to this Dick Morris business and the attack on the Catholic Church last week by Obama. I want to ask you, if you remember back in January there was a presidential debate, a Republican debate in Manchester. Do you remember — ’cause this is a setup for what’s coming — do you remember, we were all perplexed here. George Stephanopoulos kept hounding Romney on contraception. It had not come up, nobody had said anything about it, and we were all confused, as was Romney, what the deal was. Well, it is Dick Morris’ theorem that that was a setup that led to what happened last week. Let’s start with the audio sound bites of Morris himself last night on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. They were talking about the contraception mandate for religious affiliated businesses, and this is what Dick Morris said.

MORRIS: I think that the conservatives are missing the point about this. Obama did not make a mistake in this mandate. It’s a deliberately calculated move on his part. The Democrats realized that abortion is no longer a winner for them. So what they’re trying to do now is replace it with contraception. You remember that ABC debate with that paid Democratic hit man? George Stephanopoulos went after Romney trying to pin him down on contraception and Romney kept saying, “George, nobody wants to make contra- –” “No, but do they have the theoretical power to do it?” Remember, it was five minutes, people were laughing at him. Now he comes out with this thing on contraception. They want to create the idea — and it’s no coincidence that he came out with it after Minnesota and Colorado which were Santorum’s victories — they want to create the impression that the Republicans will ban contraception.

RUSH: That’s what Morris’ theory is about what happened last week, trying to get abortion off the table because it’s a loser for the Democrats. And now instead of Republicans want to ban abortion, they want to ban contraception. Well, let’s go back and listen to what Dick Morris is talking about here. It was January 7th in Manchester, New Hampshire, at Saint Anselm College, and it was George Stephanopoulos from the Clinton campaign through the revolving door to the Clinton News Network, which is not CNN, it’s ABC. Hell, it’s all of them. It is at CNN ’cause you’ve got Carville and The Forehead over there and you’ve got Stephanopoulos over at ABC and we have learned now that Media Matters for America was writing the primetime scripts for MSNBC, which educated observers like me knew all long.

Yeah, Snerdley, I’m gonna talk about the Media Matters. I really think a lot of that’s inside baseball. It’s not news who Media Matters is. It’s not news what they are. It’s not news how they operate. It’s not news that they’re tied, linked at the hip with the White House or any other ranking Democrat. I know it’s good work from The Daily Caller to document all of this, but it’s not really news to people that pay attention. Anyway, we’ll get to that in due course. Here is Romney answering Stephanopoulos’ question. “Governor Romney, do you believe that states have the right to ban contraception, or is that trumped by a constitutional right to privacy?”

ROMNEY: George, this is an unusual topic that you’re raising. States have right to ban contraception? I can’t imagine a state banning contraception. I can’t imagine the circumstances where a state would want to do so and if I were a governor of a state —

STEPHANOPOULOS: The Supreme Court had to rule on this back in 1965 because a state did.

ROMNEY: — or a legislature of a state, I would totally and completely oppose any effort to ban contraception. So you’re asking — given the fact that there’s no state that wants to do so, and I don’t know of any candidate that wants to do so.

RUSH: So Stephanopoulos said, “I’m asking you, do you believe –” after Romney says he can’t imagine a state wanting to ban contraception, Stephanopoulos says, “I’m asking you, do you believe that states have a right or not to ban contraception?”

ROMNEY: George, I don’t know whether a state has a right to ban contraception. No states wants to. I mean, the idea of you putting forward things that states might want to do that no state wants to do, and asking me whether they could do it or not, is kind of a silly thing, I think. (applause)

RUSH: I remember this. This came out of nowhere, and it made no sense. Contraception had not come up in the debate. Contraception had not come up in the primaries. Contraception was not an issue at all. So Morris’ theory is that Stephanopoulos is working with the White House. Well, okay, if you don’t like that theory, Stephanopoulos came up with this on his own, and the White House, “Hey, you know what? We like what George is doing out there. That’s a good idea. I think we’ll give up on abortion and we’ll move over to contraception as something the Republicans want get rid of.” I don’t think there’s any question here, this came out of nowhere. It had no relevance whatsoever. It was thrown in there, and I remember the next day we spent a lot of time on this program laughing about this and trying to figure out what was this really all about?

So let’s move on. We got another sound bite. This is from this morning on the network whose scripts are written by Media Matters, MSNBC. And this is the hostette Chris Jansing, and she’s speaking with the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America. This is the feminazi gang, NARAL, the pro-abortion bunch. And the name is Nancy Keenan. And they got a new radio ad, talked about this yesterday, the NARAL radio ad thanking Obama for health care reform requiring companies to pay for contraception coverage for their employees. Chris Jansing says, “These ads, they’re on the air in Denver, in Orlando, Madison, Wisconsin, Virginia, but are you worried that independent voters who supported the president in the past still aren’t sure if they’re crazy about this compromise?”

KEENAN: Look, the policy that the president put forth this last week is a good decision for women. And it means that millions of women, including nurses, janitorial staff, college professors will have access to birth control. So this is a win for women in this country and it’s a win for the president because it’s gonna draw the contrast between a president who stood with women and their access to contraception and birth control and those that oppose it and want to stand between a woman and her birth control. So absolutely for 2012, this is a president who stood with women.

RUSH: So, it appears Dick Morris is up to something. It appears that he’s on to this. Out of the blue, this has now become something all about contraception. So what happened last week happens, the weekend goes by, the regime makes this big notion on Friday about accommodating and caving, and that’s not at all what happened. And what’s happened, really, is that the terms, the definition and the terms have changed. We’re no longer talking about abortion. All of a sudden now it’s Republicans who want to stamp out contraception, that’s what the attempt last week was all about. Let’s go back and listen to Morris again from Hannity last night describe this.

MORRIS: I think that the conservatives are missing the point about this. Obama did not make a mistake in this mandate. It’s a deliberately calculated move on his part. The Democrats realized that abortion is no longer a winner for them. So what they’re trying to do now is replace it with contraception. You remember that ABC debate with that paid Democratic hit man? George Stephanopoulos went after Romney trying to pin him down on contraception and Romney kept saying, “George, nobody wants to make contra- –” “No, but do they have the theoretical power to do it?” Remember, it was five minutes, people were laughing at him. Now he comes out with this thing on contraception. They want to create the idea — and it’s no coincidence that he came out with it after Minnesota and Colorado which were Santorum’s victories — they want to create the impression that the Republicans will ban contraception.

RUSH: So that’s the paradigm shift here, at least so goes the theory, and it does explain why Stephanopoulos was talking about something that was not even an issue. It’s not an issue now. The Catholic Church doesn’t even talk about banning contraception. Paul Rahe, I read his piece from Ricochet yesterday, makes the point he’s been to Mass the last 13 years; three times in 13 years has it come up. The Catholic Church is not even trying to hold the line on contraception. Clearly the Republicans aren’t. But what’s happening is that the Democrats are trying to create out of nothing the fact that the Republicans want to ban contraception. That’s why Stephanopoulos kept boring on the question. “I don’t care, Governor Romney, could they, could the states if they want, could they?” Romney clearly, none of us knew what was going on, Romney said, “Nobody wants to, George.” So they failed in getting their sound bite. If Romney had said, “Well, yeah, if the states wanted to.”

“Nobody wants to, George, I mean you’re putting forward things that states might want to do. No state wants to do. You’re asking me whether they could do it or not is kind of a silly thing.” If Romney had said, “Well, theoretically yeah, states could,” that would have been the ad. They’re working on this stuff. Well, you know that the networks are working with Obama. There’s no line of separation or wall of separation between the news media and Obama. That’s why I call ’em the State-Controlled Media.

RUSH: You know what’s — I don’t know — funny, curious about this is that Obama is the one who would ban contraception. Obama is the one who wants the power to do this. Obama is the one who thinks that he has the power to do it! Obamacare could ban contraception. Once Obamacare is implemented, the government can make any change unilaterally it wants. Because if it is implemented and if this mandate is found to be constitutional — if the government can tell you that you’ve got to buy an insurance policy or you get find or you go to jail — then they can tell you anything. They can ban contraception, they can ban abortion, they can do whatever they want to do.

They can charge whatever they want. They can require of us any behavior they demand, as long as they can link it to “health care,” and the way the left has set things up, everything is related to health care. What you eat is related to health care. The way you drive and what you drive is related to health care. That’s why this is so hideous. Republicans aren’t the ones who want the power to do whatever they want. Republicans aren’t the ones who want to go out and ban contraception. But it is fascinating now. There are stories… I checked here during the break. There are stories all over the news media talking about Santorum’s “extreme views on contraception.”

In fact, if you Google “Santorum and contraception” you get 159 million results. “Santorum and contraception” gets 159 million results. At CNN there’s the headline: “Santorum’s Stone Age View of Women.” This is apparently confirming what Dick Morris’ theory is. “Santorum’s Stone Age View of Women.” The news media is trying to claim that Santorum wants the states to ban contraception because at some point he was asked about it. Somewhere in his history, Santorum was asked if states could do that, and he said he thought states had the right, that it would not be unconstitutional. So he fell for it. Romney didn’t in the debate, but they’ve been asking Santorum.

Now they’ve got it in the database that Santorum supports a state’s right to ban contraception, and they’re running with it, and the stories now are apparently everywhere. Look at this from ABC News: “Santorum Explains his 2006 Loss, Still Supports State Right to Outlaw Contraception.” I will guarantee you that Rick Santorum doesn’t spend a fleeting second thinking about this. Rick Santorum doesn’t care a whit about this in the big scope of things! But they asked him the theoretical question just like they tried with Romney, and he said (summarized), “Well, yeah, a state could do that.” He made the mistake of assuming that the media really wanted an honest answer to a question.

Be cooperative with the media. That’s how you make them like you. It’s just maddening here. “Santorum Explains his 2006 Loss, Still Supports State Right to Outlaw Contraception.” Now, Santorum was just saying he thought states could have the right under the Constitution, not that he thought they should outlaw it. In Obamacare, it’s not just Obama who has that power. The phrase “as the secretary will determine” or “shall determine,” meaning the secretary of Health and Human Services is there. Obama is out there. What did he say? He was interviewed 60 Minutes somewhere. He was asked about his reelection: “What about all your supporters are unhappy that you didn’t get as much done?” He said, “Well, I can’t force Congress to do what I want. Until I can force Congress…”

Well, that’s where he’s headed, and that’s what they’re not hiding in the campaign. He’s headed there: Being able to dictate what he wants to happen. Now, if you’re thinking this contraception thing isn’t gonna go anywhere and they can’t possibly make anybody think that’s the goal, don’t be so hasty. Keep in mind who this is aimed at: People who still haven’t stopped watching Whitney Houston coverage. (interruption) Well, you laugh, but I’m telling you they’re there. They’re either tuned in on the Internet or trying to find the E! entertainment channel. They have not stopped watching Whitney Houston coverage, and that happened when? That happened on Saturday. I was staying at a hotel two blocks from the Beverly Hilton.

I was leaving my hotel. I didn’t know this at the time. I was leaving my hotel at the time that her body was discovered in the bathtub, or when they pronounced her dead at 3:55. That’s when I was making tracks to get out of there. I just finished a round of golf. I’d played well, was feeling hunky-dory, looking forward to plane ride home. I’d been gone a week. I got on the airplane and I see the news that she died at the Beverly Hilton. I said, “Whoa, I was just right there! I was just two blocks away.” I wasn’t that far away from where Gisele Bundchen told reporters to go take a flying whatever. I mean, I’ve been in the thick of it here. But I’m just telling you that these people who are either still watching the Grammys or watching replays of the Grammys, that’s who this kind of news is aimed at. Snerdley’s laughing in there. You know I’m right. You know exactly what I mean by that.


RUSH: We have dug further. We’ve dug deeper into our audio sound bite roster and our archives. Let’s go back and what we’re doing is trying to button down this whole notion of Republicans wanting to ban contraception. It turns out that’s Dick Morris’ theory, he announced it last night on Hannity. In fact, let’s start with that. If you’re a welfare recipient just getting out of bed, if you’re just joining us, if you missed the first hour, this is a good summation of what we’re discussing to bring you up to speed. This is Dick Morris talking about what the White House was really attempting to do last week.

MORRIS: I think that the conservatives are missing the point about this. Obama did not make a mistake in this mandate. It’s a deliberately calculated move on his part. The Democrats realized that abortion is no longer a winner for them. So what they’re trying to do now is replace it with contraception. You remember that ABC debate with that paid Democratic hit man? George Stephanopoulos went after Romney trying to pin him down on contraception and Romney kept saying, “George, nobody wants to make contra- –” “No, but do they have the theoretical power to do it?” Remember, it was five minutes, people were laughing at him. Now he comes out with this thing on contraception. They want to create the idea — and it’s no coincidence that he came out with it after Minnesota and Colorado, which were Santorum’s victories — they want to create the impression that the Republicans will ban contraception.

RUSH: Yeah, his point is that last week, so-called mandate that the Catholic Church pay for abortion, pay for abortion-related activities and so forth, not the church, but Catholic schools and so forth, was really all about shifting the debate to contraception and that it came up after Santorum had a couple of primary victories. They’re trying to take Santorum out, is what we need to say to make all this really have sense. The White House is trying to take Santorum out. So let’s go back and listen now to the debate where this all came up and nobody knew why. It was January 7th in Manchester, New Hampshire. Stephanopoulos, no doubt a direct line to the Oval Office getting instructions, coordinating this, talking to Mitt Romney, question: “Do you believe the states have the right to ban contraception, or is that trumped by a constitutional right to privacy?” Out of nowhere this came up. Here’s how it sounded.

ROMNEY: George, this is an unusual topic that you’re raising. Do states have right to ban contraception? I can’t imagine a state banning contraception. I can’t imagine the circumstances where a state would want to do so and if I were a governor of a state —

STEPHANOPOULOS: The Supreme Court had to rule on this back in 1965 because a state did.

ROMNEY: — or a legislature of a state, I would totally and completely oppose any effort to ban contraception. So you’re asking — given the fact that there’s no state that wants to do so, and I don’t know of any candidate that wants to do so.

RUSH: So Stephanopoulos said, “I’m asking you, do you believe that states have that right or not?”

ROMNEY: George, I don’t know whether a state has a right to ban contraception. No states wants to. I mean, the idea of you putting forward things that states might want to do that no state wants to do, and asking me whether they could do it or not, is kind of a silly thing, I think. (applause)

RUSH: It was, it was totally silly. We laughed about it. What was this all about? Then yesterday the NARAL gang comes out and they have a radio ad running essentially thanking the president for making sure that the Republicans will not ban contraception. Out of nowhere. So then back on January 11th on the Colbert Report, the host, Stephen Colbert, had Stephanopoulos on. They were talking about the Republican debate that Stephanopoulos had moderated the Saturday night prior, and Colbert said, “Look, it’s difficult to be a member of the press in front of a Republican audience. I mean I’ll give you a specific example. You got into a section there, you asking questions about contraception. Romney basically saying you’re a silly little child. The audience is going, ‘We hate him, too.’ What does it feel like at that moment?”

STEPHANOPOULOS: At that moment I am thinking, I really want to win this bet.

COLBERT: What was the bet?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Diane Sawyer bet me I couldn’t get Mitt Romney to say, “Contraceptions [sic] are working just fine.” (laughter)

COLBERT: Really?

STEPHANOPOULOS: I won. (laughter)

COLBERT: You got him to say contraceptions are working just fine?


COLBERT: Even though, from the number of children he has, he has no idea how they’re working.

RUSH: All right, so he had a bet with Diane Sawyer, so he says on the Colbert show. (imitating Stephanopoulos) “Yeah, I had a bet that I could get Mitt Romney to say, ‘Contraceptions are working just fine.'” So even this comedy show wanted to know why Stephanopoulos asked that question. And now how does that answer play now that we know what we know? “I was trying to get Romney to say contraceptions are working just fine.” That’s not what he was trying to get Romney to say. He was trying to get Romney to say that states could ban contraception. Now Santorum has done so. The news media is trying to claim Santorum wants the states to ban contraception because at some point he was asked if the states could do that, and he said he thought states had the right.

ABC News has a headline: “Santorum Explains Â’06 Loss, Still Supports State Right to Outlaw Contraception.” Still supports? So they’re trying to take Santorum out. The White House, ABC, et al, are trying now to take Santorum out. As I say, if you Google Santorum and contraception you’ll get 159 million hits. So the media has been out there pumping this news out that Santorum wants to ban contraception. Now, here’s a Santorum quote about this. “The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have. That is the thing I have said about the activism of the Supreme Court, they are creating rights, and they should be left up to the people to decide.” That was back in January.

Another Santorum quote: “You shouldnÂ’t create constitutional rights when states do dumb things. Let the people decide if the states are doing dumb things get rid of the legislature and replace them as opposed to creating constitutional laws that have consequences that were before them.” Both of those quotes are from January 2nd of this year. Now, Dick Morris is a pollster, and I’m gonna have to throw in with him on this, ’cause being a pollster he probably knows most people today are pro-life. He probably knows that abortion’s a losing issue for the Democrats. They can’t make hay out of it. Most of what they stand for is a losing issue, but contraception is a far different thing. If you can convince the dolts in this country, and you know who I’m talking about. Snerdley thinks I’m gonna get in trouble by trying to categorize these people still watching coverage of the Whitney Houston story.

You know who I mean. I’m talking about people that are brain-dead. People that don’t even know how many states there are, outside of Obama, people that couldn’t care less. People that are out there screwing left and right, when they hear the Republicans want to ban contraception, what are they gonna do? That’s the focus of the regime. Obama is running to be reelected by the dumbest among us. That’s who he’s aiming at here. That’s how he looks at the 99%. The dumbest, the most uninformed, and that’s why he’s perfectly willing to campaign on a socialist agenda. What’s a socialist agenda? “It’s what I’m gonna give you. It’s what you deserve as an American. It’s all this class envy stuff wrapped up into one little bundle. The rich have taken everything that’s rightfully yours. I’m the guy that’s gonna take it from the rich and give it back to you. And it’s yours just because you’re an American. You were born here.”

So the Obama Zombies, that’s who he’s campaigning for. He is openly campaigning as a redistributionist, as a socialist and his objective are the dumb masses. There’s no question. I was mentioning earlier today, and I’ve been noticing it, that the Democrats are not going to near the efforts they’ve gone to in the past to mask themselves. In the past they’ve always had to mask their liberalism. They’ve had to cover up who they are. They have to make themselves sound like they care, for example, about values. Now that’s all out the window, other than this payroll tax cut which Obama wants to own as a tax cutter. And that’s a sitting duck issue for the Republicans.

He’s gutting the Social Security funding mechanism, and I don’t know why they don’t say it. Because for all of these years (all of my adult years, every election) I’ve had to hear how, as a Republican, I want to take Social Security away from seniors. And I and others want to kick them out of their homes and deny them their medicine. That’s what the Democrats have said! Now it’s Obama doing it! Obama is short-changing the Social Security funding mechanism by $105 billion a year every time he extends this payroll tax cut, and nobody’s replacing it. You Social Security recipients had better understand that Obama is taking a minimum of $105 billion out of that fund every year.

And it’s not being replaced because this payroll tax cut is, quote, unquote, “not being paid for,” despite the Democrats paygo rules. The Republicans were holding out for that. “If you’re gonna take it out, you better put something back in.” That’s what they caved on. They thought they were reaching across the aisle. They thought they were compromising. They thought they were helping and pleasing the independents. They thought they were doing what everybody wants Republicans to do: Shut up and go along to get along. So they did that and now they’re being ripped to shreds as either having retreated or having caved or what have you.

Now, since we’re talking about this… Since it is Obama who has demonstrated he wants and thinks he has the autocratic power to dictate who shall buy insurance, what that insurance will cover, and how much it’ll cost… That’s what last week was about. When he said that the Catholic schools have to provide it, they reacted in an uproar, “Well, we have a moral conscious. We can’t do that!” Obama said, “Okay, fine. I’ll accommodate you. I’ll make the insurance companies pay for it.” And everybody said, “Big win! We forced Obama to walk it back.” No, you didn’t. Obama still got away with telling the insurance companies how to run their business, what they must offer, how much they have to charge for it (in this case nothing).

So what if one day Obama decides that American families can only be allowed to have two kids? What’s to stop him? Obama will give him the authority to do so, or any other Democrat president. Or any president, for that matter! Once this thing is implemented, if it relates to health care in any way, shape, manner, or form — and of course the number of kids that people have, equating a population perhaps growing more than we can handle? Then you have this story here in North Carolina where (snorts) a preschooler ate three chicken nuggets for lunch on January 30th because the state employee told her the lunch that her mother had packed was not nutritious. Her mother had packed a turkey-and-cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, apple juice. The “agent” in the school inspecting all the lunch boxes said: Sorry, it doesn’t meet USDA requirements. And they gave her three chicken McNuggets. I think the people in Port St. Lucie ought to love this, a school giving away chicken nuggets. When they walk into a McDonald’s in Port St. Lucie and they don’t have any chicken nuggets, they call 911 and they ask to speak to Obama. That’s who I’m talking. That’s who still watching Whitney Houston’s story coverage. That’s exactly who I’m talking about.


RUSH: So I got this snarky e-mail in the Rush 24/7 subscriber account. “Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants. If you say that they’re trying to take Santorum out with this contraception business, then why did they try to take Romney out with the same question?” They’re trying to take ’em both out! They want to beat the Republicans. The reason they’re trying to take Santorum out is that they would rather run against Romney. That’s my theory. You can disagree with me all you want on that, but I think that’s the objective. Now, here we go. You know, we subscribe here to all the Democrat stuff. We subscribe to the SEIU website and the Democrat National Committee. We go on to the… Well, I’m not gonna give away the names, but we use the stupidest names, and they don’t care.

We never send them money but we’re on the mailing list. Like we got one here today from the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, Patty Murray, Senator from Washington. This is the group that tries to elect as many Democrats to the Senate as possible, and it’s addressed to our fake name here. “I can hardly believe this,” writes Senator Murray. “Republican Senators are pushing legislation that will allow any employer to deny women coverage for birth control.” This is dated today at 9:30 this morning, right here on schedule. The Democrat Senatorial Committee is sending out a fundraising letter to people who have donated before or to members telling them that the Republicans want to make contraception illegal!

And this all started with a George Stephanopoulos question on January 7th in a Republican debate, a question he asked Mitt Romney. Then last week, here we go with Obama demanding that Catholic schools and other Catholic organizations pay for health benefits that include abortion and contraception and RU-486 and all that. Everybody has an uproar, “You can’t make the Catholic Church do that! Da-da-da, separation of church and state!” Obama says, “Okay, okay. I’ll make an accommodation here. I’ll make the insurance companies do it!” So at the end of the day, Obama still dictates (and that’s the word) what insurance companies must cover, what they must make available, what you must buy, and how much the insurance companies charge.

In this case zero. It’s a freebie.

And they’re locked down on it and they’re not changing. And so now in just two days — two workdays, since Friday — the whole thing has shifted to “Republicans want to stamp out, wipe out contraception!” It’s what it’s all been about. And the Democrats are now fundraising at the Senatorial Campaign Committee. “One Million Strong for Women fight back against the right-wing attacks on women’s health. Stand strong for women. Sign petition. Add your name to One Million Strong for Women and help fight back against the War on Women. This ridiculous Republican legislation will probably come up for a vote this week. I need your help. Will you fight back by joining the One Million Strong for Women campaign?

“Republican senators are pushing legislation that will allow any employer to deny women coverage for birth control. You read that right. Birth control! What’s wrong with these people? “More than 98% of American women use or have used contraception.” This has been in the works for how many months, and they triggered it on January 7th. Now they’re fundraising off of it. Meanwhile, there isn’t one Republican anywhere who wants to ban contraception. And you’re thinking, “Well, don’t worry, Rush. People aren’t gonna fall for that.” The people that don’t know diddly-squat about what’s going on? These people out there, you know, behaving like minks?

These people who behave like minks while watching Whitney Houston coverage, while reading whatever trash tabloids they read, will hear this. They’ll probably put a face to it like Orrin Hatch, probably pick some old senator. “He wants to ban contraception! He wants you to get pregnant, and then he wants abortion illegal!” You can see where this is headed. And then these dumb masses get angry and outraged and say, “I’m not gonna allow this,” and they go vote for Obama. Meanwhile, while all this is going on, Barack Obama’s destroying country. He’s destroying the finances of this country. He’s breaking this country. We are in debt; he has proposed more. He has not balanced anything, although he says he has. He has not reduced spending, although he says he has. He is spending like we’ve never spent before, on purpose.

Right in front of our faces, the transformation is going on, and the objective here is to get everybody thinking the Republicans want to ban birth control pills. And you think it won’t work? There are enough idiots out there — like the caller said, “single-issue people” — who just want to continue screwing without consequences. And if they think the Republicans are gonna bring consequences to it, they’ll vote against ’em and no matter what else is happening. You know it and I know it. “Okay, Mr. Limbaugh, then how would you suggest that this be fought?” Stick with me on this. It’s only February. This is still the United States of America, and we are not ruled yet by the dumb masses. I am sure. We’re not ruled by ’em yet. We need a morning-after pill for presidential elections.

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