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RUSH: An entirely new perspective on this whole sordid incident was provided by Rachel Jeantel last night on CNN. Everybody’s been under the impression that Zimmerman was a racist, and that’s why he went after Trayvon. I went to great lengths yesterday, folks, to break this down and tell you what I think this was really all about. I’m not gonna repeat that but it is at RushLimbaugh.com. Essentially, it was about economics.

You’ve got a bunch of people in this community that are barely hanging on. They’ve worked very hard to get where they are and there are all kinds of robberies and things, and they’re just tired of being stolen from, and they’ve got a Neighborhood Watch and so forth. It’s about the Obama economy. But the media and everybody has been saying since this happened, “Zimmerman’s a white racist!”

You know as well as I do they’ve been doing everything they can to portray this as Zimmerman chasing a guy because he was black. Well, Zimmerman’s the guy that got beaten up in this. Everybody forgets that. Zimmerman is the guy who got beat up. Now we know why, from a witness for the prosecution who was on CNN last night, Rachel Jeantel. Race wasn’t even a factor. When she was asked to define “creepy ass cracka,” and “n-i-g-g-a,” it wasn’t racial.

Not one definition she gave for any of these terms being used had to do with race.

“Creepy ass cracka”?

That’s “a police.”


That’s “a male.”

You gotta say n-i-g-g-e-r to make it racist. There wasn’t any race. The jury didn’t deliberate race. The race aspect was totally manufactured by the media. So listen to Rachel Jeantel’s answer to Piers Morgan. The question, “But you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the ‘creepy ass cracka’ and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man — you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man — was pursuing him? And he was freaked out by it?”

So Piers Morgan is asking Rachel Jeantel, “Why was Trayvon Martin ‘freaked out’?” Now, everybody has been led to believe that Trayvon was freaked out because some white guy was chasing him, but let’s be honest. Zimmerman’s not a white guy! It was raining. It’s nighttime. He’s of dark complexion. He’s an Hispanic. This “white Hispanic” is a media creation. There wasn’t any racial component here, folks. This is what’s crucially important.

The racial component is a pure media fabrication because of the existence of their narrative that this nation is still, essentially, a slave state. But Trayvon Martin wasn’t thinking about race, and we know this because Rachel Jeantel talked to him. So, again, Piers Morgan’s question: “But you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the ‘creepy ass cracka’ and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man — you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man — was pursuing him? And he was freaked out by it?”

Why was he freaked out by it, Rachel?

JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely. After I say, “Might be a rapist.” For every boys or every man, every who’s not that kinda way, see a grown man following them, would they be creep out? So you gotta take as a parent. You tell a child, “You see a grown person follow it you, run away,” and all that.

Folks, there’s no race in there.

There’s no inference.

You can’t infer race from what she said. There’s certainly no racial implication that she made. Well, here’s what she said, “Definitely. After I say” to him… She’s reporting and recounting her telephone call. (paraphrased) “Definitely. After I say to Trayvon, ‘Zimmerman might be a rapist!'” I’m translating for you. “Zimmerman might be a rapist. That makes him gay.” He’s a guy, folks. Male rapist. Rachel is telling Martin… This guy’s chasing him. He doesn’t know why he’s chasing him.

Rachel, says, “He may be a rapist, Trayvon,” and then she said, “For every boys or every man, every who’s not that kinda way,” that means who’s not gay, “you see a grown man following ’em, you be creep out.” So she was saying, Trayvon is straight; he’s got this adult male chasing him. She’s put the idea out that this adult male might be a rapist, and Trayvon “be creep out” by being chased by a gay guy.

And then she went further. “So you gotta take as a parent. You tell a child, ‘You see a grown person following you, run away,’ and all that.”

Grown person.

Not racial. Not “white person.” “Grown person.” You, as a kid, “You see a grown person following you,” as a parent, you tell your child, “run away.” Then she also said, “And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there.” You need me to translate that? Okay. She has put in Trayvon’s mind that Zimmerman is gay. Zimmerman might be a rapist, and a predator.

What are we to think? “Grown man.” When she says Trayvon’s a male, Zimmerman’s a male, and she says rapist, what are we talking about here? We’re talking about a gay predator. She has put the idea in Trayvon Martin’s head that this might be a gay predator chasing him. Then she said on Piers Morgan last night, “And people need to understand, he didnÂ’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriendÂ’s house to go get…”

Trayvon’s staying at his father’s girlfriend’s house, and she is saying people need to understand Trayvon didn’t want Zimmerman, that potential rapist, “that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriendÂ’s house to go get,” and then she paused, and said, “[M]ind you, his little brother was there.” So she was saying that Trayvon wouldn’t want this gay predator chasing him down to his house where there is a little kid inside. Nowhere in any of this is race mentioned.

Jeantel also said this about Zimmerman being a rapist on the witness stand, under oath. It wasn’t just last night with Piers Morgan on CNN. She also alluded to this. So, folks, do you understand? We have been, the country has been entirely fooled. (The jury wasn’t, by the way.) There was no racial component in this at all. Rachel Jeantel didn’t talk about race. She wasn’t talking about race at all. She wasn’t worried. She didn’t tell Trayvon to run away from a white guy. “Creepy ass cracka” is police.

So maybe, in their minds, Zimmerman is a gay male predator hiding behind a badge, which gives him access to little boys. I mean, this is the way certain people think, and we already know that she believed that Zimmerman was a rapist, or potential rapist, and put that thought in Trayvon’s head, and Trayvon didn’t run away. He turned around and started beating up on Zimmerman. Not because Zimmerman was “a white Hispanic.” He didn’t even know what he was!

I mean, it’s dark and rainy. Zimmerman’s of dark-complexion, too. The race angle in this has been absurd from the get-go. So essentially Rachel was saying… When she says, “And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriendÂ’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there,” she is saying that this guy, this rapist, after finishing with Trayvon, might then go after his little brother.

She told Trayvon to run, run, run.

I thought, when I heard this last night, that that’s all anybody’d be talking about today, because this throws this thing 180 degrees out of phase. So now Trayvon Martin, who is the recipient of full-fledged, 100% victim status? It turns out could well be a gay basher, and the left has been defending him. So what do they do? They have two interest groups here that they represent and champion: African-Americans and homosexuals, and in this incident, the object of their affection (in this case, Trayvon Martin), might have thought he was being pursued by a gay guy and beat him up, or tried to.

I figured they’d be very conflicted today.

But that hasn’t come up anywhere.

Now I think I understand why. It’s precisely because nobody wants to get near it. Nobody wants to get anywhere near this. Those words of Rachel’s are gone, into the ether, never to be remembered until the EIB Network kicked off at noon. Now, one sound bite here before we go to the Obscene Profit Break. This morning on CNN’s Newsroom, the anchorette, Carol Costello, is speaking with criminal defense attorney Mark NeJame about Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel’s appearance on Piers Morgan Live.

This is one of the well-educated, pseudo-intellectual analysts that CNN offered today talking about how wonderful Jeantel is, and they were just filled with sadness that she had not appeared this way on the stand. So Carol Costello said to Mark NeJame, “If the jurors had seen the Rachel Jeantel that was on Piers Morgan last night,” explaining the definition of “cracka,” explaining the definition of “n-i-g-g-a,” the “creepy ass cracka,” and all that. “If the jurors had seen the Rachel Jeantel that was on Piers Morgan last night, instead of the Rachel Jeantel at trial, could it have made a difference?”

NEJAME: It coulda made a difference. This is just another failure on behalf of the state to properly represent Trayvon Martin. That woman last night was a sweet, funny, engaging person. That’s anything but what people saw when she took the stand. People need to understand that we do have a cultural divide, and in fact what the jurors saw, uh, when she appeared on the stand was because of her, in my opinion, her lack of preparedness by the state attorney who prosecuted this case! That woman last night, if she had been on the stand, and the juror (sic) would have seen that, they would have come away with a completely different impression, in my opinion, about who Trayvon really was.

RUSH: Yeah?

I’m gonna tell you something, Mark.

If you had really been listening to what Rachel Jeantel said on Piers Morgan, you would be reexamining the entire way you’re looking at this event.

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