RUSH: Have you heard about this? New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, a Republican, she needs a new hairdresser. Her hairstylist is gay, and her hairstylist has refused to do her hair anymore because Susana Martinez is opposed to gay marriage. No, no, no, wait a minute, now.
What just happened in Arizona? There was a religious freedom law that didn’t once mention homosexuality or any of that or gay marriage or any of that. It was portrayed as an anti-gay piece of legislation, when it wasn’t. I don’t want to rehash that.
Here is the exact opposite. This guy’s a hairstylist named Antonio Darden, he’s gay, and it’s totally fine for him to refuse to do the governor’s hair. Totally fine. Now, imagine if she, already opposed to gay marriage, finds out her hairdresser is gay and refuses, can you imagine the absolute hell that would break out over that? So it’s a one-way street here. If this were in Arizona, the way this would work out is that the gay couple would walk out of the bakery when they learned that the baker would not bake ’em a cake, instead of what happened there. But it’s perfectly fine for this guy to refuse to continue doing her hair because she’s obviously a bigot and a homophobe, and all that.
“Antonio Darden told a local news station that he cut the governorÂ’s hair three times, but wonÂ’t do it again as long as she continues to oppose gay marriage. ‘The governorÂ’s aides called not too long ago, wanting another appointment to come in,’ he told KOB-TV. ‘Because of her stances and her views on this, I told her aides no. They called the next day, asking if IÂ’d changed my mind about taking the governor in and I said no.’ Martinez has said she believes marriage should be between a man and woman.” That’s ’cause that’s what the definition is.
“Darden, a popular stylist in Santa Fe and the owner of AntonioÂ’s Hair Studio, has been with his partner for 15 years. ‘ItÂ’s just equality, dignity for everyone,’ he said. ‘Everybody should be allowed the right to be together.'” When did that happen? When did somebody deny people the right to be together?
By the way, I wasn’t gonna do this. Honestly, until I saw this, I wasn’t gonna do it. We gotta go back to top. Audio sound bites one and two. Mr. Sulu from Star Trek does not like me. Mr. Sulu thinks I have no credibility at all. That’s sound bite number two. Sound bite number one, Friday night in Phoenix on eyeball KAE-TV, Arizona Horizon News. The guests are the AP correspondent Bob Christie, Phoenix Business Journal correspondent Mike Sunnucks, and they’re talking about Governor Brewer vetoing the religious freedom bill, and the host, Ted Simons, says, “They’re not saying if it was right or wrong. They’re saying it’s been mischaracterized, the bill. They’re demonizing the reaction as opposed to saying we made a mistake because we made a mistake.” I don’t know what that means.
I’ll read it to you again. You tell me what it means. I mean, I can get halfway there. Here’s the question. Obviously this is in context in the middle of the show, it’s not the first question. “They’re not saying if it was right or wrong. They’re saying it’s been mischaracterized.” I assume that means the Republicans are saying it’s been mischaracterized. I don’t know what this right or wrong business is, though. Then he said, “They’re demonizing the reaction as opposed to saying we made a mistake because we made a mistake.” I do not know what that means, but here’s Bob Christie from the AP and
Mike Sunnucks from the Phoenix Business Journal.
CHRISTIE: I think that’s a sincerely held belief among many Republicans. That this has been mischaracterized by the media, that we are trying to protect the religious people in this state from what they see is a real attack on their rights. And I think those are, you know, heartfelt beliefs that they have, and they don’t understand what happened, and what happened, as I said a minute ago, is the world has changed. You can’t push bills like this.
SUNNUCKS: Rush Limbaugh, some of the folks on the right, theyÂ’re upset with the media, what they see as a mischaracterization of this. But there was nobody that really stepped forward. There was no legislative leaders that came on and said, “This is what we think the bill was.” There was really a vacuum.
RUSH: Why didn’t they? Yeah, fear. They’re scared to death to come forward because the world has changed. Now, here’s George Takei, he’s Mr. Sulu. This is a different show, Democracy Now. I have no idea. Amy Goodman is the host and she said, “What’s your reaction, Mr. Sulu?”
TAKEI: We have to consider the source. What the legislation was doing was to refuse service to gays and lesbians or anyone that disagrees with the business people’s religion. So a Muslim taxi driver could refuse to take a Jewish person or a single woman traveling by herself. Rush Limbaugh has no credibility at all. You know, the legislature was trying to write in prejudice and —
RUSH: Okay, that’s it. How did I even get involved? The only reason I’m involved is apparently these people think I’m the only one that commented on this. By the way, if a Muslim doesn’t want to carry around anybody, he doesn’t have to, Mr. Sulu. That’s been documented.
RUSH: This business with the gay hairdresser in New Mexico and the governor: Gays can refuse service and be applauded for it, by the way. Christians cannot. So when it comes to hypocrisy, gays take the wedding cake, whatever.