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RUSH: Frankly, I don’t think that Obama needs to be urged by donors. I think he’s got this stuff in his heart anyway. But the people who want to be kind will give Obama a pass. “He’s only doing this because he’s appeasing his donors.

“He’s got these donors that are really ripping on him, and he’s just trying to keep ’em off his back and keep the money flowing. Otherwise, Obama wouldn’t care.” That’s something I, frankly, don’t believe. I don’t think Obama needs donors to be urging him to do this. Yesterday in Washington at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, at a briefing law enforcement professionals, President Obama talking about immigration reform…

OBAMA: These are folks who are woven into the fabrics of our communities. Their kids are goin’ to school with our kids. Most of them are not making trouble. Most of them are not causing crimes. And yet, uh, we put them in this untenuous (sic) position. And it creates a situation on which your personnel who’ve got to go after gangbangers and need to be going after violent criminals and deal with the whole range of challenges and who have to cooperate with DHS, uh, around our counterterrorism activities, you’ve gotta spend time dealing with somebody who, uh — who isn’t causing any trouble other than the fact they were trying to make a living for their families. That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense.

RUSH: The theme of the discussion at the White House is Obama was telling law enforcement people why it doesn’t make any sense to enforce immigration law, and what you heard him say comes under that umbrella. These people “are woven into the fabrics of our communities. Their kids are goin’ to school with our kids. Most of them are not making trouble. Most of them are not causing crimes. And yet, uh, we put them in this untenuous position.”

Meanwhile, you can’t go after the real bad guys ’cause you’re out there trying to endorse this meaningless, worthless immigration law, which it doesn’t make any sense to enforce. That’s what he was telling them. Okay, well, let’s look at these 36,000 individuals released by ICE. CBS News breaks down who some of these people are. They have 193 homicide convictions and 426 sexual assault convictions.

The president just said, “Hey, hey, these people are woven into the fabric of our communities! Their kids are going to school with our kids. Most of ’em are not making trouble; they’re not causing crimes.” They have 303 kidnapping convictions, 1,075 aggravated assault convictions, 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions, 303 flight escape convictions.”

Of the 36,000 people released, 28,000 of ’em have some sort of serious criminal conviction!

Those are the ICE released that was announced. This is what Lamar Smith of Texas is calling a federally sanctioned prison break.


RUSH: Now, I want to go back. Grab sound bite three again. I got four sound bites here in order I want to play. I want you to listen to this Obama again, because it’s the same ideology, explaining the Regime’s trying to recast what’s going on in Nigeria with the kidnapped girls. Blame the Nigerian government, Boko Haram not responsible. They’re an oppressed minority. They may be harming the girls’ educational opportunities, but they’re not a terror group. We have to understand their rage. They’re just an oppressed minority.

This anti-gay Christian government in Nigeria, run by Goodluck Jonathan, they are the real oppresses. And as a reminder, the Christian Science Monitor has a story today which practically implicates the government of Nigeria in the kidnapping, blaming them for it. They made Boko Haram do what they did. They’re the reason Boko Haram exists, because they’re so oppressive.

Our Regime leadership continues to appease jihadists and militant Islam. So the ideology that drives that is on display with Obama and immigration reform. He’s talking to some law enforcement people yesterday at the White House and he’s explaining why it doesn’t make any sense to endorse immigration law. It’s a waste of time. It doesn’t make one bit of sense, and here is why.

OBAMA: These are folks who are woven into the fabrics of our communities. Their kids are goin’ to school with our kids. Most of them are not making trouble. Most of them are not causing crimes. And yet, uh, we put them in this untenuous (sic) position. And it creates a situation on which your personnel who’ve got to go after gangbangers and need to be going after violent criminals and deal with the whole range of challenges and who have to cooperate with DHS around our counterterrorism activities, you’ve gotta spend time dealing with somebody who, uh — who is not causing any trouble other than the fact they were trying to make a living for their families. That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense.

RUSH: And you have to conveniently overlook the fact that they violated existing law to get here. See, that is crucial. Immigration law is law. But it doesn’t count. Well, once they’re here, hey, they’re just part of the fabric of our society. They’re no different than you and me. They’re living amongst us. They’re going to school amongst us. They’re using services amongst us. They’re voting for Democrats. They’re going to jail and getting released amongst us. They’re committing crimes amongst us. Well, they are. You want to run through the list here again? Thirty-six thousand prior to their deportation hearing just released. Obama said just open the doors and let ’em out.

Here’s the numbers again. This is gonna add up to about 27,000 people before I’m through here: 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 1,075 aggravated assault convictions, 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions, 303 flight escape convictions. Hey, they’re not making trouble. They’re not causing crimes. And we put ’em in this “untenuous” position? Untenuous? Whatever. It doesn’t make any sense to enforce the law here. They’re just like you and me. All they’re trying to do is make a living for their families. Hell, they’re just trying to get ahead in the economy. Hell, I mean, that’s hard for anybody. We gotta look the other way. And then next he tells you law enforcement we only got two to three months to pass amnesty.

OBAMA: We’ve got this narrow window. The closer we get to the midterm elections, the harder it is to get things done around here. Now, I know it’s hard to believe that things could get harder, the — the — this place could get — get a little more dysfunctional, but, you know, it’s just very hard right before an election. So we’ve got maybe a window of two, three, uh, months to get the ball rolling in the House of Representatives.

RUSH: What do you mean, get the ball rolling in the House of Representatives? Every time I hear John Boehner speak he can’t wait to get moving on this, right? I mean the leadership of the houses are gonna get this done in August. By the way, isn’t leadership able to get past dysfunction? This is Limbaugh Theorem on display. Here’s Obama, he’s the president, and all this dysfunction in Washington. Why, he’s not even there. Yeah, all this dysfunction, gets even worse when these elections come up. And, hell, you can’t get anything done in this town anyway.

Well, you’re the president for crying out loud! It’s called leadership. It’s called bringing people together. It’s called compromise, I thought. I thought it was called crossing the aisle. I thought it was called working with the other side, being cooperative. I thought it was about finding the common good, all of this rotgut that we hear the Republicans have to engage in all the time. Okay. So we got a narrow, narrow window.

Okay, now, J. Christian Adams, he worked in the Department of Justice. He quit. He was in one of the civil rights divisions there. He was working on the case against the New Black Panthers for election fraud in Philadelphia, and he had the case. It was a slam dunk case, and Eric Holder threw it out. He essentially said that we’re not gonna convict people of color here. This department is not gonna do that. So J. Christian Adams, that’s a very short version, but he resigned. He’s out there now at think tanks, he’s writing, he’s appearing on TV shows.

He was on The Kelly File last night on the Fox News Channel. Shannon Bream filled in. And J. Christian Adams, PJ Media legal editor. Question: “Through the Regime, these are their decisions about giving prosecutors discretion, telling ICE agents not to arrest certain people who they find here illegally, result in a lawsuit by ICE agents who asked us to violate our constitutional oath that we’ve taken. What’s your overall feeling about the attitude from the Regime about these situations?”

ADAMS: Make no mistake: This is not an accident. This is reflective of an ideological worldview. This is a product of agitation by racial interest groups, particularly pro-open borders groups, to stop deportations. This is not merely an oversight that someone lost the key to the jail. This is a deliberate effort to placate an activist base — and so, this is no accident.

RUSH: The 36,000 criminals released is what he was being asked about. “How in the hell could this happen?” He says the open-borders crowd — the Chamber of Commerce, whoever is donating to Obama — is demanding that they be released. So Obama is responding to the deliberate effort to placate his base by letting the groups go. Now, that may be true. But my point is I don’t think Obama needs to be pressured.

The pressure may give him an out, and it may allow him to say, “Hey, hey, look, I had a lot of people requesting that I do this.” But he doesn’t need that. He would do this on his own without anybody pressuring him, because he also believes in the same ideology. “These people shouldn’t have been in jail in the first place, see? They came here for a better life.

“They’re in jail because the United States has oppressive, discriminatory, anti-minority policies and prejudices, and that’s why they’re in jail in the first place,” according to liberalism and Obama. “So it’s only fair! It’s the only, the right thing to do. It’s correcting past mistakes and grievances by letting them out because they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

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