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RUSH: Bill Gates, the second day in a row that he’s praised Trump.  I should tell you, I couldn’t find one reference in any of my tech blogs to Bill Gates praising Trump yesterday.  When Gates came out — remember, we played the sound bite where he compared Trump to JFK.  I said, “Holy smokes, my tech blogs are gonna have a panic.”  They hate Trump.  They despise Trump.  And they think Gates is a god. He’s a god nerd.  So with Gates praising Trump they’re not gonna know what to do. 

There wasn’t one story I saw on it.  Now, stop and think of that.  If Gates had come out and trashed Trump, that’s all I would have seen.  Gates is back.  He was at Trump Tower yesterday. He was on a cable network.  This was at Trump Tower speaking with reporters after he spoke with Trump.

GATES:  We had a good conversation about innovation, how it can help in health, education, impact of foreign aid and energy, and a wide-ranging conversation about the power of innovation.

RUSH:  Yesterday afternoon.  Now, he didn’t get escorted down personally like Kanye did or Masayoshi Son, but Gates was still singing Trump’s praises after the meeting.  So there’s two different occasions now where Gates has been really, really high on Trump.  Some of you might say, “Wait a minute, Rush, that’s not good.  This guy over there thinks mosquito nets are the big deal.”  Nah-nah-nah-nah.  Gates is one of these people predisposed to hating Trump. 

Trump is meeting today with Tim Cook at Apple, Sheryl Sandberg at Facebook, Eric Schmidt at Alphabet, i.e., Google, Cisco guys, I think Larry Ellison from Oracle is there.  Did you hear what IBM did?  Ginni Rometty, the CEO, announced that IBM is going to hire 25,000 new employees the day before the meeting with Trump.  Make America great, folks, make America great again, IBM hiring 25,000 new employees over the year, 6,000 to start.  

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