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RUSH: Get this.  This is from our old buddy Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire.  “While appearing on a show that lowers the collective IQ of the nation by at least one standard deviation, The View –” Have you seen that show lately?  The collective IQ of the hosts on that show you could put in a thimble.  Anyway, Stephanopoulos’ wife was on The View recently.  Her name is Ali Wentworth, and she explained what election night was like at the Stephanopoulos-Wentworth house. 

Ali Wentworth, the wife of Stephanopoulos, who’s actually a Clinton war room member who works disguised as a journalist at ABC, Ali Wentworth said, “It involves my 14-year-old getting upset about the election.” Apparently what happened in the Stephanopoulos house, when it became clear at two in the morning when their 14-year-old was still up, when it became clear at two in the morning or whenever it was, that Trump was going to win, George Stephanopoulos’ daughter started screaming, “No abortion!  No abortion!”  A 14-year-old.  And Ali Wentworth, the mother on The View said to her daughter, “You haven’t kissed a boy yet. Don’t use that term so flippantly.”

Now, if you’re wondering why the left has gone insane, maybe it’s because they’re raising their kids to be insane.  Do we even believe this story?  You have to tell me, folks.  I don’t have 14-year-olds running around my house.  But on election night and a winner is announced and a 14-year-old, “No abortion!  No abortion!”  If it did happen, what in the name of Sam Hill are they doing as they raise this kid. And if it didn’t happen, look at the extent to which they will lie and make their children look like idiots in order to advance their agenda.  “No abortion! No abortion!” 

And of course the mother says she has to chastise the daughter. “Don’t use that word so flippantly, you haven’t even kissed a boy.”  Why does a 14-year-old know the politics of abortion?  And why does the election of Donald Trump trigger, “No abortion!  No abortion!” in a 14-year-old?  They’re raising them this way, my friends.  They’re raising to be insane, and they are succeeding at it.  


RUSH:  Let me answer the question for you.  I firmly believe (I don’t have any doubt) that parents in the Upper West Side of Manhattan — both of them in the media, one of them a former member of the Clinton war room, George Stephanopoulos. I don’t have any doubt that they start teaching their little daughter about the evil of Republicans and abortion when they’re nine or 10.  I wouldn’t have any doubt about that at all.  It makes perfect sense to me, in fact.  I mean, that’s how you raise your kids to be mirror images of you.

I mean, you train them early, propagandize them, brainwash, whatever. 

It’s called raising them.  And if you’re couple of New York City liberals on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, of course you’re gonna run around teaching your little daughter what to be afraid of in the evil America outside the safety of our little home here.  “There are people that want to deny you the chance to have an abortion.” Can you imagine telling this to a nine or 10-year-old little girl, explaining abortion to her, and that there are people that want to stop you from doing that?  It has to be the reason why the 14-year-old looking at Trump on TV said, “No abortion, no abortion, no abortion!” 

It’s just sad.  But I think that’s who they are.  

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