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RUSH: The Hillary sound bite, this is again on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. It’s from an interview she’s got coming later with Jake Tapper. And Tapper says, “Donald Trump has had some rather personal and pointed tweets out there. Have you learned anything from watching the way that Republicans dealt with him in primaries that will inform you how you will deal with such an unconventional candidate like Trump in the general election?”

HILLARY: Well, you know, remember, I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak.

RUSH: Oooooh!

HILLARY: I’m not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me.

RUSH: What?

HILLARY: He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I could really care less.

RUSH: Is she revealing — we have to take a break here.


RUSH: Hillary Clinton says that she has a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak? She’s the most cheated-on woman in America. And then she says she’s not gonna deal with their temper tantrums and their bullying? Well, who is she talking about that’s gone off the reservation on her? Holy smokes here.


RUSH: You know this Hillary Clinton business, we’ve joked about it today, but she’s got this card, you know, Trump’s out there accusing her of playing the women card, like some people play the race card, she plays the women card. What he means by that is whenever she gets trouble, “I’m just a damsel in distress. I’m just your average American woman being abused and made fun of and mistreated by the patriarchal male society of America.” That’s what playing the woman card means.

So Hillary and her crew decided to have a little fun with that and they produced a credit-card-sized card that’s pink that says Official Woman’s Card and they’re out selling them for a dollar. It’s a quasi-fundraising effort, probably just to break-even. But I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve been watching and studying, which I always do, I continue to, I’ve been studying the reaction of Millennial aged women on cable news shows all day. And whenever they have these Millennial women on, they’re also on with women from the Hillary camp who are of Hillary’s generation. And it’s remarkable the difference.

All of these women that are Hillary’s age or generation, that have her basic style, you know, the various things about their appearance that are in common — that’s as far as I’m gonna go — they have a definite feminist attitude about these cards, as though they are the most brilliant thing that they’ve ever done, and they’re a slam dunk, and that women are gonna love this, because these Hillary-aged women from her campaign and elsewhere all have this monolithic view of women as it relates to feminism. And they all believe that every woman that matters is just like them: old, not taken seriously, used, taken advantage of, whatever feminists think of men. They’re brutes, they are predators, whatever it is.

They believe that all women have basically come to accept that definition of what life is like as a woman today. But these young women, these Millennial aged women — some of them are Trump supporters, some of them are Cruz supporters, some of them are not, some of them are just news babes. And I tell you, when you’re looking at these 30, 35, maybe even younger women, they’re laughing at this card like it’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever seen.

Every one of them has said that it embarrasses them, that anybody thinks that they would want one of these cards because they don’t all agree on everything, they don’t think alike, and they don’t like being typecast as monolithic in their thinking when it comes to female and feminist issues. And it’s just another thing that I am recording here in my mind, putting it away for a rainy day. You know, all these assumptions that certain people in the media of a certain age are making about Hillary Clinton and her invincibility, and particularly when it comes to women.

I think they’re wrong in their application of this, and I think they’re taking a whole lot for granted. I think they’re so self-focused, the Hillary age women, so self-focused, so self-oriented and so monolithic themselves in their own cohort that there’s a little bit of arrogance, too, and they are just not aware. I mean, I really think they’re out of touch. I think that they’re out of touch with younger women.

Maybe it’s not the best analogy, but here’s one analogy I could make. The Republicans, slash, Newt Gingrich conservatives win the House in 1994, first time in 40 years. They made the mistake of assuming that the whole country had gone conservative and that’s why they won and be so they began to act as though they were in the majority, which meant they didn’t have to explain what they were doing because everybody had already given a stamp of approval by voting for them. When in fact that’s not why they were elected primarily; they were elected primarily ’cause people were fed up with Democrat scandals, wanted a change, they liked the Contract with America, but it wasn’t solely an embrace of conservatism.

And I think by the same token Hillary and her band here of the Madeleine Albright types. You know who these women are. Hillary Clinton-age Democrat matrons have failed to understand that they are not Gloria Steinem to the younger generation of women today. Like Gloria Steinem was to them, they are not Gloria Steinem. They are not leaders. They are not seen as role models. I don’t think these young Millennial babes want to grow up and be Hillary, for example. She is the most cheated-on woman in America. I know they don’t want to grow up and be Hillary.

My point is that all of this so-called unity of ideology that exists and how the Millennials are all liberal and they’re all leftist and they all vote Democrat, that could manifest, that could be, but I just don’t think that Hillary Clinton is the godmother of everybody and that all women in this country look up to her as some sort of leader, breaking down barriers, showing the way, and when Hillary’s offended, they’re all offended, I don’t think it’s that way at all.

And I don’t think she realizes it yet. She may not, either. But I want to play this sound bite again here. It’s from an interview she did with Jake Tapper that has not aired yet. Jake Tapper’s show is at four o’clock this afternoon, but they are releasing excerpts to hype the Jake Tapper show this afternoon, and this is one of the bites. And this has to be heard again to be believed.

Jake Tapper says, “Donald Trump has had some rather personal and pointed tweets,” meaning about you, Hillary. “Have you learned anything from watching the way Republicans have dealt with Trump in the primaries that will inform you, guide you in how to deal with such unconventional candidate as Trump?”

HILLARY: Well, you know, remember, I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak.

RUSH: Some?

HILLARY: I’m not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me. He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I could really care less.

RUSH: That’s not true. That’s what the cards are all about. She does care. She’s offended. This is the point. Hillary and her cohorts, female age, they’re offended, they’ve spent their lives being offended. That’s how they’ve gotten where they’ve gotten, by being offended, victimized, agitated, enraged, members of a minority or what have you. But I think this is profound. This kind of admission, “I have had a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak”? What is she telling us?

She goes on to say, “I’m not gonna deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying.” Is she telling us what’s gone on between her and Bill? ‘Cause we always thought it was Hillary throwing the ashtrays in the White House, right? Now, she’s potentially conveying here that Bill’s had temper tantrums.

She says she has a lot of experience dealing with men. She’s only been married to one guy — men — who sometimes get off the reservation. I think she’s been betrayed by a whole lot of guys. Just my personal opinion, and this is kind of a reveal here. When you get right down to it, she’s saying she has a lot of experience dealing with guys like Trump because she been married to Bill Clinton.

That’s what she’s saying. Being married to Bill Clinton is what has prepared her for Trump, right? And when you get right down to it, that sums up her experience! That is it! And that’s another reason why Millennial women say, “Wait a minute. Why are you so imminently qualified?”

Everybody’s being told how qualified Hillary is, how wonderful Hillary is, how great, and Millennial women are saying, “For what?” They are just learning about the Hillary and Bill Clinton era of the 90s. They didn’t live through it. Remember, folks, these young women and men, too, they didn’t live through the era where the media — like Carol Costello (imitating Costello), “Bill’s naughtiness, it was so cute.” He was accused of rape one day by Juanita Broaddrick and he had the interns and he’s serial philanderer. He’s just “naughty.”

They didn’t live through the media era of cover up. They didn’t live through the media era of trying to spike the story. They didn’t live through the media era of trying to say it was no big deal, it’s just sex, it’s nobody’s business. They didn’t live through Clinton openly lying to the nation about it. As they come to learn about it their take on this is not gonna be in any way sympathetic to Hillary. They’re gonna say, “What the hell did you put up with this for? We wouldn’t. We don’t.”

So all of this is to say, is to advise, don’t buy even half of the conventional wisdom the media is gonna tell you about the invincibility of Hillary Clinton because of how universally respected and adored and appreciated, ’cause it isn’t the case.

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