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RUSH: No, no. No, no, no, no. The point was how could I not have been clear yesterday? How in the world could you have not understood what I was talking about? This blows my mind. I feel like Trump here. What do you mean you don’t get what I was saying? It was very, very clear. We had a lady call who said we need to go back to the days of Reagan when everybody was unified. I said, “We weren’t unified.”

She said, “We had a 49-state landslide.”

I said, “Yes, but if we were so unified –” I mean, we came together on elections. But if we were so unified — we had record prosperity, we had record creation of wealth, we had low unemployment, we had low deficits, we had the biggest economic boom post-World War II in those — well, actually the last six years of Reagan.

What happened to it? Why didn’t it last? My only question. Why didn’t it last? Why are we here today? Why didn’t people alive experiencing all of that understand what was going on. How were they talked out of it and elected Bill Clinton a few short four years later, after Reagan left? The discussion of that is eye opening and instructive and that’s all I was getting at yesterday. We can have eight years. In fact, the Reagan boom went through the mid-nineties, for crying out loud.

We had all of that prosperity and all of those good economic times that people were living through and they were still able to be talked out of it. All right. I’ll expand on it even further today. The reason it’s important to me, the reason the lady’s call lit me up, and it was nothing to do with her. It was not personal to her. But she said we need somebody — and she was for Rubio, I think — but we need someone that can unify us. That’s not the answer here. We’re never gonna be unified.

You’re not gonna be unified with Bernie Sanders supporters. They don’t want to be unified. We’re not gonna be unified with Hillary Clinton. We have to beat them. And once we beat them they have to stay beaten. That’s the way they look at us.

Hi, folks, how you doing? Great you have to here. Rush Limbaugh. The EIB Network. I’ll develop this more as the program unfolds. There’s more pressing stuff here. Although I don’t know what can be more pressing than that. And I’ll be happy to go through it again. More than happy.

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