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RUSH: I am convinced that among certain people we’re talking about there’s this abject fear of Christian religious people. This Washington Post story, “Ben Carson, the Humblebragging Instrument of God — Ben Carson became convinced of two things during his teenage years. First, that he was uniquely talented, ‘one of the most spectacular and smartest people in the world.’ Second, that God would answer his prayers, however specific they might be.”

That’s the lead. That’s why you’re supposed to hate Carson. That’s why you’re supposed to suspect Carson, ’cause he believes in God, and he believes in himself. Nobody’s supposed to be that sure of themselves. Nobody’s supposed to be that confident. And nobody is supposed to trust and rely on God to help them out. That’s silly, that’s stupid, there is no God. Don’t you know? There is no God. And the fact that people believe there is a God, that is the biggest — I don’t know what to call it. I think the one of the largest obstacles or the representations of fear that nonbelievers, liberals, whatever have, it just stymies them.


RUSH: Here’s a little passage that I will define for you, or translate for you. This is from the contemptible Washington Post piece describing Ben Carson as a humblebragging instrument of God. “It’s also why Carson has expressed little regret over his controversial comments on the Holocaust, mass shootings, slavery and Islam.” What that means is, his weird belief in God has kept Carson from apologizing for what he said and has kept him from apologizing for getting all these things wrong.

What were his controversial comments on the Holocaust? He said, “If the Jews had been armed, Hitler would have had a little bit more trouble.”

Can’t say that. No, no, no, no, no. That’s crazy talk.

Mass shootings. What’s he said about mass shootings? “Gun-free zones, they are ripe targets for people who want to do mass shootings, ’cause they know there’s nobody there to stop them.”

You can’t say that. That’s crazy. That’s what a belief in God makes you think, stupid stuff like that.

And Islam, “I wouldn’t want somebody who believes in Sharia law to be president because that means they won’t honor the Constitution.” See, that kind of Christian belief is discriminatory, and we can’t have that in America. That’s what all that means. Ben Carson scares the heck out of ’em.

It scares them he might become president. It scares them that anybody like him, any religious conservative might become president. That’s why they support the Democrat Party. I’m convinced. They’re scared to death of religious people. That’s why they’re out attacking everywhere they can, Indiana over gay marriage or what have you. One of the objectives of the left is to stigmatize religious people as lunatics, intolerant, bigots, you name it. That’s one of the ongoing, never-ending objectives of liberalism.

You might say, as I have said in the past, that maybe, rather than doing what they were doing or are doing, they would maybe seek God, maybe add God to their lives, instead of being so angry and scared all the time. And that ticks ’em off like you can’t believe. Because to them God means judgmentalism. Religion means what you can’t do. Religion means being stigmatized for having a good time, no matter whether it’s debauchery or whatever. And they don’t want anybody judging what they do.

These people are laden with guilt already. They know the things they’re concerned with here, the things they’re doing are not right, they’re not productive. They just don’t want to be called on it. They already have the guilt in the first place. They just don’t want to be called on it, and they don’t want to be punished for it. So they’re a mess, folks. They’re an absolute mess.


RUSH: Now, back to this one little point here before we get back to the other audio sound bites, and that is from William F. Buckley, famous book God and Man at Yale. He was a student at Yale and he wrote of the discrimination against conservatism on campus and a number of other things. It was suggested to him in his book that he include a couple of lines written by a man named Willmoore Kendall. And Buckley used those lines in the book. This goes to what I was just discussing here about the point of youth and liberalism and fear of Christianity. It’s not just fear of Christianity. It’s fear of Christians, fear of religious people because they represent a judgmental threat.

Here are the two lines that Buckley included in God and Man at Yale. This is just another way of saying the point that I was trying to make before the program ended the previous hour. “I believe,” Buckley included here, “I myself believe that the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world. I further believe that the struggle between individualism and collectivism is the same struggle reproduced on another level.”

So we have a commingling here of individualism and Christianity with atheism and collectivism. Now, the people on the left who fear Christianity do not think of these people as individuals. That’s where they miss the point. These young little Millennials and leftists in journalism and wherever else they are who have this irrational fear of the religious and of Christianity do not think of them as individuals at all. They are the true brainwashed. To them, Christians are the epitome of mind-numbed robots. They are walking, talking automatons, and they believe all of this stuff in the Bible that makes no sense, that’s crazy and stupid and weird and none of it can be proved in their life, in their belief. None of it can be proved, so they’re idiots. Christians are nonthinkers. They’re nothing more than sponges who soak this stuff up because they’re looking for something better than there is on earth, and the atheist believes of course there’s nothing but what’s on earth.

So these little liberals and leftists with their fear of Christians and Christianity miss totally who they are. They are not collectivists. They are not mind-numbed robots. They’re actually fairly deep in their thinking, and not in all cases, obviously, but in most cases they’re independent, and you know what I have found of most Christians? This is gonna shock a lot of you little leftists. You think that Christianity is made up of, everybody in it believes everything but nothing more, everything, literally what’s in the Bible and that’s it and they don’t question any of it, and you couldn’t be more wrong.

One of the great things, one of the most fascinating things about Christianity to me is how — I don’t know what the percentage is, obviously — but a good number of Christians are looking for more than is in the Bible. They’re looking for some sort of concrete logic or proof that they can offer to themselves. It’s the natural quest of the curious. They have the foundation of faith. That’s what they believe. They believe the faith. They have faith in what can’t be proven, which every religion does, including liberalism. But beyond that there’s this ongoing, even if it’s private and internal and entirely inwardly and self-focused. I’ll give you just a little example. I’ve told you this story before. To me, my dad was Christian and deeply religious, and it mattered a great deal to him. He was biblical scholar in his own right, taught Sunday school in addition to all that, but was constantly curious and looking for other ways to prove what he desperately wanted to believe and did believe on faith.

So he told a story when I was real young — and I don’t remember how old — we were driving in the car, and he said when telling the story, he said that I asked him, “Why do you believe in God, and why do you believe in heaven?” Or “How do you know there’s a heaven? How do you know there’s a God?”

Now, from his perspective, he believed in both. Here’s his little son, me, six or seven years old asking the question. As a father, he wants his son to believe what he believes, because he believes that what he believes is good and right and promising and so forth. But I’m six or seven. You can’t quote the Bible to me. I’m six or seven. That isn’t gonna explain anything to me. All I’m gonna say is, “Well, how do you know that’s true? Why do you think that’s right?” He anticipated that whatever he read to me from the Bible, that I wouldn’t be intellectually capable or old enough to accept, that I would have even more curiosity.

So he devised a way to explain his belief and I’ve never forgotten it. To me it was extremely powerful. It isn’t to a lot of people, but it is to me. The way he answered the question was to say that he believed in a loving God, and he asked me if I knew what that meant. And I said no. Remember, he’s telling the story. I don’t remember all the details of this, ’cause I was five or six when it was happening, just started going to Sunday school, preschool, church and so forth.

So he said, “Well, God is the father of creation,” to explain creation to me in a way that a five- or six-year-old would understand it. I’m gonna condense this for you for sake of time. He said, “I just can’t believe that a loving God of creation in whom I deeply believe could and would create beings like us, human beings, capable of contemplating such a place of beauty and serenity for it not to be true. That would be cruel. That would be one of the cruelest things a loving God could do, to create human beings who can imagine, because they’ve been told it exists, a heaven, where there is eternal life, and beyond that who knows,” he said, “But it would be cruel beyond belief for a loving God to create beings who could fathom such thing and live their lives in ways they believe would get them there, for it all to be a lie.” And that did more for me to make me understand what his belief was than anything he could have read to me from the Bible.

But my point here is: None of that is in the Bible. I don’t think it is. He came up with that on his own as a way of explaining why he believed. Most liberals think Christians believe unquestioningly, and this is what scares them, and such is not the case. There is constant curiosity, testing. Malcolm Muggeridge, one of the world’s foremost atheists (and incidentally an associate of Mr. Buckley’s) began a quest to disprove Christianity on the basis that it was silly. He was a renowned British intellectual.

He embarked on this crusade to prove that. It couldn’t possibly be. It’s the story of the Bible. This is just… It’s the biggest bunch of mush ever. And after his in-depth attempt to disprove it, he ended up being one of the most devout Christians ever, to the point that when he died, National Review referred to him as “one of God’s gargoyles.” Gargoyle is a religious sculpture on a church, a facial figure. Buckley was a devout Catholic, of course, and had many interviews with Muggeridge on his show Firing Line and so forth.

I remember talking to Buckley about Malcolm Muggeridge because the whole story fascinated me, and he was not — Muggeridge was not — by no means the only intellectual who just didn’t think it could possibly be true, some of these biblical stories. “You’re telling me Noah and the ark…?” Old Testament, New Testament, it didn’t matter. But particularly New Testament. He set out to disapprove it once and for all and the ended up being one of the biggest proselytizers. And that can’t happen.

My point is for you little squiggling little liberals: That can’t happen without curiosity. Your fear of Christianity is so misplaced. You actually need to be afraid of your own leaders on the same basis you’re afraid of Christians. If there’s anybody intolerant and demanding and accepting of only one way to think and do things, it’s the people you idolize. The mind-numbed robots are today’s American left, who don’t question anything, who don’t have the slightest idea what’s going on outside this little cocoon of a bubble they’ve constructed for themselves to live it in.

But I’m telling you: It is this fear of Christians that has the Democrat Party so much support. That’s why so many Republicans say, “Get rid of the social issues!” What they really mean by that is, “Stop talking about God, will you? Will you stop talking! Just get the Christians to shut up! They’re killing us.” That’s what all that means. I’m just telling you, I can read it.

When you go out and read some of these people I’m talking about — including my little tech bloggers, but it’s not just them. Any liberal journalist, young people. This Ben Carson Politico story. They think Ben Carson is the biggest fruitcake they have ever encountered. He’s a bigger fruitcake than Sharron Angle. He’s a bigger fruitcake than Sarah Palin. He’s a bigger fruitcake… They are scared to death. They think he’s a genuine, mentally ill lunatic.

And it’s the fear of his devout Christianity that I believe is at the root of that.

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