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RUSH: I read a piece today in the Federalist: “The New Totalitarians Are Here.” Have you ever sat around thinking things, silently thinking things. Maybe to a couple of people you tell them what you’re thinking, and then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, you come across a piece, an article or something that says exactly what you’ve been thinking but you haven’t verbalized or haven’t been able to verbalize.

That’s what this piece does. It draws the distinction between authoritarians and totalitarians, and it doesn’t mean totalitarians in the sense of murderous dictator regimes. It’s totalitarian in a different sense, but it’s clearly applicable to what is happening in this country. In fact, this story even uses the example of that reprobate George Takei going after Clarence Thomas as an example of the new totalitarianism. I want to explain that to you and then in the midst of all of that, we have got to acknowledge, particularly in light of what we discussed just yesterday, we have got to acknowledge the overwhelming accomplishment, the blinding achievement of Donald Trump.

Remember, folks, it was only yesterday — this is key now — it was only yesterday that I cited for you something I had seen on Fox yesterday morning during the Bill Hemmer show. They had their political director out there, Chris Stirewalt, come out. They were talking about the latest developments in the Republican presidential campaign and Trump and so forth. And one of the points Stirewalt made, while Trump is Trump and it’s cool, it’s fun and so forth, but the problem Trump is having is he, no matter what he’s talking about, gets ignored because he is the issue. Trump has been unable to make himself not the issue. And so whatever it is he cares about, nobody’s talking about. Instead they’re talking about him. Well, in less than 24 hours that has all changed.

Look at what Donald Trump has done. Donald Trump has single-handedly changed the debate in terms of electoral politics now. There is a bunch of us who have been saying similar things, doing similar things. But none of us is running for president and none of us has been covered by the media day in/day out with every syllable that we utter. Donald Trump has changed the entire debate on immigration, and he is not the story today. The story today is sanctuary cities.

Have you seen how many Democrats are now standing up and raising their hands and speaking out against them? Including the senior senator from California Dianne Feinstein, who just moments ago issued a statement she opposes sanctuary cities. But that’s just one aspect of it. People are demanding answers about all these criminal aliens. I have a story. Where did I put this? Something like 41%… Here it is. “Illegal Immigrants Account For Nearly 37% of Federal Sentences in Fiscal Year 2014.”

Forty-one percent of all prosecuted federal crimes occur in five districts near the Mexican border. So the attention is now focused on criminal acts committed by illegal immigrants. People are now demanding action on that. They are demanding something be done about sanctuary cities. All of the open borders people… I don’t care where you find them. You find them in the Wall Street Journal editorial page. You can find some at Fox News. A lot in the Republican Party.

They are on defense today.

Exactly what 24 hours ago was said hadn’t happened, somehow has. Everybody is now focused on — when I say everybody, I mean the Drive-By Media, Democrat senators, everybody — is now focused on the exact complaints Donald Trump has raised about our immigration system. But I want to point something else out. Look at what it has cost Donald Trump. You know, I’ve been asking in the past couple of days, “Is there a silent majority out there? Why don’t they stand up? Where is the outrage?

“Where is the uprising when little bakeries are shut down, when photography shops are shut down? When massive state governments put gag orders on average ordinary citizens, where is the opposition?” I’ve been asking, “Where is it?” I know it’s there. It’s afraid to show up. It’s afraid to pop up. You know it and I know it. People see what’s happening to their neighbors. They don’t want to have it happen to them; they shut up. Donald Trump didn’t shut up. Look at what this has cost him in just one issue, in just changing the focus.

I don’t know how long it’s going to last, but on just one issue look at what it has cost Donald Trump. Look at the abuse that he has taken and had to take. Look at how much business he has had to lose. Although Trump, in classic Trump fashion, has issued a press release today saying all of this is actually increasing his business. He genuinely is one of a kind. But three of the largest companies that have abandoned Trump and have attempted to impugn and damage his reputation are media companies.

You have NBC, you have Univision, and then the gutless wonders at ESPN. And then you have Macy’s. And then you have the PGA of America and the USGA of America. You have all of these companies that are telling Trump, “Sorry, pal, we can’t do business with you.” I don’t know of a single other person in the Republican field who would not have caved already after the first of these!

Donald Trump was on Greta last night and said, “I don’t care how much this costs my companies. I want to save my country.” Now, I don’t know how long his campaign is going to last, and I don’t pretend to know that he’s in this for the long haul. All I’m telling you is that yesterday and every day prior, whenever there was news about Trump it was, “What a creep. What an egotist. What an extremist! How politically incorrect. How mean.”

Whatever, it was about him. Today, finally (and even beginning last night), the news is about the issue he has been calling attention to. It’s amazing, I think. You don’t see this, a single human being change the entire debate on a single subject? It shouldn’t take this. It shouldn’t require somebody to have to lose and lose and lose money in their businesses. It shouldn’t require somebody losing their reputation.

It shouldn’t require somebody to volunteer to take this kind of abuse (and their families as well) just to have a discussion about an issue, especially when it comes to immigration. There’s no defense for what’s been happening! There’s no defense for open borders. There’s no defense for criminal activity. There’s no common sense way under the sun that anybody should be able to defend anything happening regarding illegal immigration.


RUSH: Now, back to immigration and Donald Trump. You know as well as I do that for the last, what, 10 years, illegal immigration, whenever it’s polled, has always had a majority of people opposed to illegal immigration. To amnesty of any kind, but particularly executive amnesty, such as that proposed by Obama. What have the Republicans been doing? What policies guide the Republican establishment? Very simple.

The establishment of the Republican Party thinks in order to be elected to the White House, they have to somehow go out and get 25 or 30 percent of the Latino vote. How do they think they should do that? By not opposing amnesty. By appearing to support immigration — endless, even illegal immigration. By being pro-Latino. Hasn’t helped them. Hasn’t done diddly-squat for them. As long as that remains the policy of the Republican Party, they are never ever going to link and connect to the majority of the American people on this issue.

Here comes one man, Donald Trump.

And again I want to stress: Look at how much he has lost. I think it’s temporary. I think he’s going to get it back and then some. But he’s still… Nobody wants to get the abuse Trump has gotten. Nobody wants to see themselves talked about and treated and written about the way Trump has been. Nobody wants to take it. The abuse that Trump has received has been a warning to every other Republican, “Don’t you even think about joining Trump. Don’t you even think about trying something like this.”

But Trump was undeterred, and he has changed the focus on this entire issue.

To the issue, and not him.


RUSH: I’ll tell you something else that Trump has introduced now. He’s going after Common Core because he’s going after Jeb Bush. So he’s moving beyond illegal immigration and sanctuary cities and illegal immigrant crime. But I can’t emphasize this enough. The way is being shown here. Now, predictably all of the mouthpieces of the Republican establishment are still out denigrating Donald Trump. They are criticizing him and saying, ‘This is not the way you get things done in politics in America today.

“It’s a clown-type operation and it isn’t going to last. You don’t run around out there… You don’t call the whole Republican field ‘clowns’ like Trump is doing. It’s not serious and most people look at Trump as a clown and don’t take him seriously.” Fine and dandy. They can think that all they want. The bottom line is, I can’t think of any other Republican who has put any Democrat on defense about anything having to do with illegal immigration.

But now you’ve got Democrats standing up, wanting to be counted amongst those who oppose this whole sanctuary city business when it comes to providing sanctuary for known criminals, rapists, muggers, purse snatchers, whatever. Dianne Feinstein, a number of them are popping up. I don’t know of any other Republican who has done that. I don’t know of any other Republican who has been able to change the debate on this issue to what the majority of the American people want.

For the last six years we have been governed by a regime governing against the will of the American people on the big things, including the little things. Like Obamacare. Never had majority support. Amnesty, illegal immigration? Never had majority support. Economic policies? To the extent people have any idea what’s going on, this would never be voted for either. And yet it’s been happening. Anybody out there want Iran to have nuclear weapons? Didn’t think so.

All of these things are happening. They were never voted for because the people sitting in power today never told us this is what they were going to do. They can’t say that this is what they were elected to do, unless they lie about what it is they’re doing, which they do. But Trump is going after Common Core, government-run education, calling it “silly” and a number of other things. Trump put out a press release in response to all of these businesses canceling their deals with him, and it’s typical Trump.

Let me read it to you, as only I can. “The disassociation of ESPN and NASCAR with the Trump Organization was covered by the press in headlines all over the world as though it was a major setback for me. Really? What were the losses? One NASCAR banquet in a magnificent ballroom at Trump National Doral in Miami for which I will keep their very substantial deposit and rent the ballroom to someone else that night — in other words, two fees instead of one (NASCAR has already apologized to me)!

“In the case of ESPN, they cancelled a simple golf outing at my course, Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles…” By the way, I have played that course. We shot one of the Hank Haney episodes on that course. It was the episode with Al Michaels. Boy, is it a beautiful course. It’s actually down in Los… Ah, geez. You need meal money to get down there. It’s not actually Los Angeles. I can’t think of what it is.

But it’s gorgeous down there, the views of the Pacific Ocean. Trump was there. He said, “They talk about Pebble Beach, Pebble Beach, Pebble Beach. What’s Pebble Beach? Pebble Beach has a little bay! Pebble Beach has got a little sound. Look at what I’ve got. I’ve got the Pacific Ocean. I’ve got better knifes, I’ve got better forks, I’ve got better tees. This is the best club in America!”

It’s typical Trump, and ESPN was slated to have a tournament there. I think it’s in association with their ESPYs that happen on July 15th. So Trump says in his press release “In the case of ESPN, they cancelled a simple golf outing at my course, Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles overlooking the Pacific Ocean, perhaps the most valuable parcel of land in all of golf. Likewise, they lost a large deposit. I will now let people use the course on that day…” It’s a public course, by the way.

“I will now let people use the course on that day receiving substantial additional greens fee income. Again, I get two fees instead of one. This is the big deal built up by the press on ESPN and NASCAR — a banquet and a golf outing. Headlines blared all over the world, ‘ESPN and NASCAR Dropping Trump!’ Give me a break! All of this because of my strong stance on illegal immigration during my run for President … Make America Great Again!”

That’s the last sentence in the press release. He’s not running around with his tail between his legs. He’s not running around with an attitude that indicates an apology is soon forthcoming. He’s not running around scared. He’s jamming it right back down their throats. But the big deal is he’s not acting intimidated. That’s not the big deal. The big deal is how he’s changed the focus of the debate. He told Greta Van Susteren, “Making America great again is more important to me than my company.”

We have some audio sound bites of that coming up here in a second, but first, Cybercast News Service: “According to data released by the US Justice Department, 41.7%…” Yes, Palos Verdes is where Trump’s course is. Rancho Palos Verdes. It’s beautiful. Anyway, “According to data released by the US Justice Department, 41.7% of the federal criminal cases that US attorneys filed in US district courts in fiscal 2014 were in the five US attorneys’ districts that sit along the US-Mexico border.

“In fact, the five districts that sit along the border — those for Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Western Texas and Southern Texas — were the top five in the country for criminal cases filed in US district courts.” Well, that’s not a coincidence, and that’s not just happenstance or accidental. Nearly half of all federal prosecutions have to do with illegal immigration and crimes committed in association with it.

“The office of the US attorney for Western Texas led the nation last year in filing criminal cases in US district court, according to the United States Attorneys’ Annual Statistical Report for Fiscal 2014. During the fiscal year, according to Table 1 in the report, the US attorney for Western Texas filed 5,832 criminal cases in US district court. By contrast, there are 17 US attorneys’ districts that sit in the [contiguous] 48 states along the Canadian border or the Great Lakes.

“These 17 districts, which run from the Western District of Washington to the District of Maine, filed a combined total of 5,257 criminal cases in US district courts in fiscal 2014.” Bottom line: One US attorney district in Texas filed more criminal cases than 17 districts on the Canadian border. “That means that all the federal criminal cases filed in the US district courts spanning the Canadian border from Washington to Maine (5,257) did not equal the criminal cases (5,832) filed by the one US attorney’s office in Western Texas.”

“Obviously, the offenses people are convicted of in federal courts are not local crimes but federal ones. According to the statistical report’s Table 3A, the top category of offense for those found guilty in US district courts nationwide in fiscal 2014 was immigration offenses.” Well, finally. I can’t tell you the number of years, sitting here behind the Golden EIB Microphone, reporting this particular crime committed by an illegal immigrant or that one. It’s all over the country.

Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arizona, you name it. The stories were frequent, but the debate on the subject never changed. Prevailing opinion always remained, “We need to grant them amnesty. We need to have them come out of the shadows.” But then this murder took place in San Francisco, and around the same time two or three other outrageous crimes were committed by illegal immigrants, combined with Trump refusing to be intimidated and being talked out of the issue; instead staying focused on it.

He has changed the entire debate on immigration.

As I say, he has now started talking about Common Core as well as part of the criticisms leveled at the presumed front runner, and that would be Jeb Bush.


RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot emphasize enough — by the way, I’m not sucking up. In fact, I’m doing the opposite of sucking up. I’m not sucking up here. I can relate is why I know how big a deal this is. The amount of abuse that Donald Trump has taken, the efforts that have been made to destroy him, the ongoing efforts to harm, damage and, from their perspective, destroy Trump’s businesses, it has been serious. It has been an onslaught and he has not buckled. And I’m telling you, whatever you think of Trump and all of this, try to keep that in perspective.

Most people would have buckled long ago. Most people would have cried uncle and begged forgiveness of the new totalitarians long ago. I have an incredible amount of admiration and respect for just this aspect of what Trump has done. I know it seems easy to comprehend this. But this is one of those things that — well, most people’s reactions, Trump’s rich he can afford it. No big deal.

You wait until it happens to you. Those who have had this happen. I know some of you have. Be it the IRS, somebody, your employer, somebody has tried to do real damage. You know how difficult it is. In this case, try to imagine the entire country coming after you as represented by the media, and all these giant corporations and their sanctimonious CEOs trying to gain favor with the left and the Democrat Party by joining the hit parade against you, and still hanging in there and not buckling.

Here is Chester in San Diego. Chester, hi, great to have you on the program and the EIB Network. Greetings, sir.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. I’ve been listening to you since you came on the air and I wanted to say I couldn’t stand Donald Trump. I’d see him on his show, hair everywhere. I’d shut him off and never listened to him. But I heard his speech in which he talked about the illegals and there being criminals and murderers and I told my wife right then, “What he’s saying is what everybody I work with believes. I’d vote for him right now.”

RUSH: What is it about Trump you didn’t like, let me guess, by the way, I can be wrong. There’s no wrong answer here. You didn’t like the fact that he was a braggart, that he was —

CALLER: Yeah, I guess. I never listened to him long enough to really know. I couldn’t stand what he looked like. I couldn’t stand his attitude.

RUSH: That’s a lot of people.

CALLER: But what he said on TV is what I agree with. I live in San Diego, 40 percent of the kids in San Diego schools don’t speak English. I go down to south Texas, 75 percent of the population of south Texas is non-English speaking.

RUSH: Right, and then somebody makes the suggestion we should teach them English and they call you a bigot for suggesting such a thing.

CALLER: They don’t want to. They have their own culture and they don’t want our culture.

RUSH: Exactly. That leads me to another point. Dr. Krauthammer, we had a sound bite of Dr. Charles Krauthammer in which he criticized Donald Trump for — I can’t remember his exact words — but basically he was criticizing him for tarring and feathering an entire ethnicity. And what he meant by that is during Trump’s original speech when he said that Mexico is not sending us their best, they’re sending rapists and murderers and so forth. I don’t know about you, but I never once assumed that Trump was talking about all of them. I mean, I have a little common sense here.

I mean, there is this thing called understanding and the benefit of a doubt, and it was just unreasonable to think Trump’s talking about all of them. He’s talking about way too many of them. I mean, if there’s a wave of illegal immigrants pouring in and a bunch of them are committing crimes and you point it out, you’re not tarring an entire ethnicity. But the opponents of Trump and the opponents of doing something about this took it that way, and I never did. It’s beyond my ability to understand why somebody would think, anybody would think that Trump was talking about every single immigrant. That just defies common sense.

And people say, “Well, go back and look at what he said. He didn’t say some.” Yeah, but he didn’t say all either. He said they’re not sending their best. They’re sending rapists and murderers. What he said is undeniably true, as is evidenced just in the past three days, the crimes committed by illegals in a sanctuary city in San Francisco, and the one in Laredo, Texas, and there was a third prominent one, hit-and-run and the ball-peen hammer attack.

And don’t forget, the murder in San Francisco, in that particular case, when the media first had their chance to interview the perp, the interpreter and the journalist at ABC 7 Eyeball News tried to coach the guy into admitting he felt remorse, into admitting he felt sorry. But they knew how bad this was. Anyway, Chester, I appreciate the call. I know I said I was going to get to sound bites, but I didn’t. I took a telephone call instead. Still lots to do here folks on the new totalitarians. Again, one of these things I read, I said, damn it, that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking, what I’ve been trying to say in my own words and haven’t gotten there. So it came at just the right time. Back after this.


RUSH: LA Times has a story today, Census Bureau data, as of July 1st last year, 14.99 million Latinos live in California, 14.92 million whites. So the number of Latinos now outnumbers whites in California, but like Chester said, they’re not all coming here to join our culture.

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