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RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s starting to get interesting. Now it’s all starting to effervesce. Now it’s all starting to percolate. Now is when we can actually trust what we’re being told. Well, I don’t want to go that far. But we can be a little bit more confident in believing what we’re told now than, say, a month ago, two months ago, or three months ago.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: The Democrats are making absolute fools of themselves. The Democrat Party with Charlie Rangel, Mary Landrieu, Paul Begala, The Forehead, they are all telling us so much about where their heads are, where their minds are. They are stuck in an America 50 years ago in an attempt to avoid an election disaster. Everybody talks about how cool the Democrats are. Everybody talks about how hip the Democrats are. The Democrats have turned their playbook back to 1963 in order to try to scare minority voters to the polls on Tuesday.

Great to have you with us, my friends. It’s Open Line Friday. And I am your trusted guiding light, Rush Limbaugh here behind the Golden EIB Microphone. The telephone number, if you want to be on the program, as always, 800-282-2882, and the e-mail address, ElRushbo@eibnet.com. Open Line Friday, pretty much whatever you want to talk about, fine and dandy.

Okay, my friends, let’s just take a look at the latest we have on some of the polling data that sums things up. As I’ve been saying, this is when the polling units out there have to be concerned about their credibility and therefore they have to be concerned that what their polls say is accurate, is close to what the actual result is going to be. They don’t care about that a month ago. They don’t care about it two months ago. They certainly don’t care all of this calendar year up to this point. They don’t care about it because they use the polls to make public opinion, to shape it.

But now we are getting what they think is actually going to happen. We’re getting a reflection. The AP has a story coming. It’s not out yet, but I want to alert you to it. It will be sometime this afternoon. According to the latest data from AP’s election research team — and this is according to sources that I trust — according to the latest data from AP’s election research team, Republicans have a 10 percentage-point lead in early voting ballots cast so far.

Independents have cast about 25% of the early vote total to date. In Florida, the early vote already exceeds the total early vote of 2010. And it is the 2010 turnout that we compare the 2014 turnout to, not 2012. You compare midterm turnout to midterm turnout, presidential turnout to presidential turnout. So, again, the AP coming soon later this afternoon from their own election research team, Republicans have a 10 percentage-point lead in ballots cast. Independents have cast about 25% of the vote total so far. And in Florida, the early vote is already exceeding the total early vote of 2010.

Everywhere you look in the Drive-By Media today you just see the word “panic.” It’s either printed or not printed, but panic is all over the headline, it’s all over the story. New York Times Upshot: 71% likelihood the Republicans win the Senate. That is up four percentage points since Thursday. The Washington Post’s Election Lab forecasts the Republicans will see a net gain of seven Senate seats. The forecast projects a 95% chance Republicans will take the Senate, up three points from Thursday.

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight blog gives Republicans a 68.5% chance of winning the Senate, up over four points from Thursday. So you can see, even if you want to dispute the actual raw numbers, you can look at the trend and see which way the trend is going.

So let’s review here. New York Times Upshot. That’s the name of a section in the website newspaper. Seventy-one percent chance the Republicans win the Senate, up four points from Thursday. Election Lab in the Washington Post, 95% chance Republicans take the Senate. That’s up from 92% on Thursday. Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight blog, 68.5%. And coming later from the AP, Republicans have a 10% lead in ballots cast so far.

That has got to stun the Democrat Party. That just has to have ’em bamboozled. Early voting, that’s something they own. He this own early voting like they own, they think, the Hispanic vote, and like they think they own the black vote.

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