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RUSH: “Writing in Scouting Magazine, Bryan Wendell says Scouts from Berkeley Heights [New Jersey] encountered Curry on a trail in Harriman State Park in New York. Curry, 57, had broken her ankle. ‘We were hiking along, and we came to a trail intersection,’ Scouter Rick Jurgens said, ‘and a lady was sitting on the ground with her one leg out.

“‘We didn’t think anything of it, but one of the guys asked if everything is OK. She said, ‘No, not really. I think I broke my ankle.’ She told us to keep going, but the guys refused.’ Although Jurgens said he recognized Curry’s voice instantly, his scouts had no idea it was the famous TV journalist. Regardless, they went to work creating a splint for Curry.

“‘We work on these requirements, and here’s an opportunity where it was a true test of all those First Class, Second Class first-aid requirements,’ Jurgens said. ‘They got to use it and use it for real. And they did an outstanding job.’ However, Curry still wasn’t able to make it down the trail on her own.

“So, the Scouts ‘started running into the woods,’ and returned with wood, which they combined with tarp, to craft a makeshift stretcher to help carry Curry to the trailhead where her husband and son had gone for help. By that point, forest rangers had shown up after Curry’s accident was reported. ‘They asked, “Is there somebody up there who needs rescuing?” And [the scouts] said, “It’s taken care of,”‘ Jurgens said.

“The Scouts then drove Curry and her family to a nearby hospital. Curry then handwrote a thank you letter that was delivered to each of the nine scouts involved in the rescue operation. ‘I feel enormously lucky you came along at just the right moment, and were so willing to help a stranger in need,’ Curry wrote.

“‘You are a credit to the Boy Scouts and to your families, and I want you to know I am deeply grateful for your kindness and skill.’ On Friday, Curry also wrote a thank you tweet to the Scout troop for her 1.43 million followers.” Now, you may know that the Boy Scouts of America is on a hate group list.

The Boy Scouts of America!

The Southern Poverty Law Center, this Mark Potok clown — and others — has put the Boy Scouts of America at the top of groups who hate and who are bigoted because of their refusal to have gay scoutmasters and so forth. Yet this happened. I don’t know how. There’s a picture of this group of Boy Scouts, and there’s not a one of them looks like a hater to me, or a bigot.

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