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RUSH: CNN just learned that Obama knew that the HealthCare.gov website wouldn’t work. Ha-ha-ha. I’m not kidding. Wolf Blitzer spoke with correspondent Brian Todd about the Obamacare website. He said, “Brian Todd has been taking a closer look at this part of the story. What are we seeing right now well into a week into this new program, Brian?”

TODD: We spoke to Robert Lushevsky. He is a health care consultant who has clients who are insurers. He says, his insurers who dealt with the administration in the months ahead of time, he says the insurers that he dealt with had contentious meetings with people at HHS and other Health Care officials who were in charge of this. Contentious meetings in the months before this roll out, warning them, “This isn’t working. It’s not going to be smooth. Don’t do it, right then.” He says those warnings were ignored. They went full speed ahead, and said, “We’ll work these problems out.” Now, there’s been a bit of pushback from the White House.

RUSH: So hallelujah. CNN has just learned that the regime knew it wasn’t gonna work. The regime didn’t care. That’s what they won’t admit. And Wolf, he hears this, and get this.

BLITZER: If they had three years to get this ready, if they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them. Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.

RUSH: Whoa, ho-ho-ho-ho. No, no, no, Wolf, did you really mean to say that? Oh, be still here, my heart here. Did Wolf really say that? Play that again. I’m not sure what I just heard what I heard. Play it again.

BLITZER: If they had three years to get this ready, if they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them. Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.

RUSH: Oh. Uhhh, this is so unusual. Wolf Blitzer actually just said, “If they had three years to get this ready, if the weren’t fully ready, they should accept advice a lot of Republicans are giving them. Delay it another year, get it ready and make sure it works.” See, Wolf, they weren’t gonna do that because then the sticker shock — see, next year’s an election year. You can’t have what’s happening now happen in an election year, Wolf. This is why it didn’t matter whether it worked. They have to roll it out now. They’re planning on the fact that you and your buddies in the media, and therefore everybody else, will forget this by the time one year from now rolls around. That website, by the way, the original projected cost, $93 million. The end cost, $643 million. I kid you not.

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