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RUSH: Cindy in Omaha. I’m glad you waited. It’s great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call.

RUSH: You bet.

The CALLER: I just want to let you know that Omaha’s a great place to live, but lately — well, not lately. For some time now on the news, it’s either crime and things being committed by illegal aliens here in the city, or gangs. Recently, like over the weekend, an illegal alien — they don’t even know where this guy is from — broke into a 93-year-old woman’s home, assaulted her, beat her, raped her, and she died yesterday.

RUSH: Oh, my God.

CALLER: Now, I know this stuff happens all over, but this is my town. This is Omaha, and I’m just sick and tired of hearing it every night on the news. And, you know, other people commit crimes, too, but we don’t hear about it, by other people.

RUSH: Let me tell you something. The crimes that are committed by illegals are buried. I’m glad you called. It’s a horrible, horrible story, and you’re right: It is happening all over the country. That’s why people are livid over this push for amnesty.

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