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RUSH: Right here it is: “Whither assault weapons ban: ‘Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month,” Politico notes. “After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment.

“‘But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.'” Now, once again: If we believed the Drive-By Media’s poll, we would believe that everyone in the country was demanding an assault weapons ban. Because that’s what the Drive-Bys have been trying to make everybody believe, particularly after Sandy Hook. “Everybody is demanding an assault weapons ban!” So if that’s the case, why has the Senate dropped it? The reason is, there’s no popular support for it. The Drive-Bys have lied to us with their polls, and poor DiFi! Poor DiFi.

She said, “I tried my best, but my best, I guess, just wasn’t good enough.”

So see? It’s still, at the end, all about her. Lord, she tried! Oh, God, she tried so hard! (sobbing) She did her best, and it wasn’t good enough. (interruption) What do you mean, “She’s not a sixth grader”? Oh, that’s right, that’s right. That’s what she said to Ted Cruz. She didn’t need to be lectured on the Constitution. She’s not a sixth grader. I’m gonna tell you something: The fact that this assault weapons ban didn’t didn’t make it, I think represents a pretty quick victory for our side, one which nobody would have thought possible a few short weeks ago.

Harry Reid must want to get reelected, is what this means. It has to mean that. It has to mean that Harry Reid wants to get reelected. If the polls could be wrong about this, what else could they be wrong about? Amnesty? Same-sex marriage? I wonder. Well, the polls had this a slam dunk. Everybody, don’t you know, wanted an assault weapons ban. But it doesn’t even get out of a committee, practically, in a Democrat-controlled Senate. (Gasp!)

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