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RUSH: Calypso Louie, Minister Farrakhan. Grab audio sound bite number one. This is back on December 30th. YourBlackWorld.net. Syracuse University scholar in residence in entrepreneurship and innovation, Dr. Boyce Watkins, spoke with Calypso Louie, the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, about the new movie Django Unchained. The scholar in residence and entrepreneur said to Calypso Louie, “What’s your take on that movie when you went to see it? What did you think of Django Unchained?”

FARRAKHAN: To me, the movie had a purpose, and if a black man came out of that movie thinking like Django, and if white people came out of that movie seeing the slaughter of white people, and they are armed to the teeth, it’s preparation for race war.

RUSH: Oh. No! Minister Farrakhan forecasting a race war because if a black man came out of that movie thinking like Django, and if white people came out of that movie seeing the slaughter of white people and they are armed to the teeth, it’s a preparation for a race war. Calypso Louie said that. Can you imagine, folks, if I went to see Django, came behind the Golden EIB Microphone and said, “Folks, I’m gonna tell you something, if a lot of white people who are heavily armed go see this movie, there’s gonna be a race war,” can you imagine what would happen to me within minutes on liberal cable networks? This happened on December 30th, and we’re just now hearing about it. But the bottom line, doesn’t matter, Calypso Louie reaches a lot of people. Calypso Louie is suggesting a race war is possible.

In the meantime, 5,000 people show up for a thousand housing vouchers in Taylor, Michigan, a riot ensues. I’m not saying it’s a race riot, I’m just telling you, there are many more people who want stuff that we don’t have to give them. There are millions of people who expect stuff, millions of people who want stuff, but we don’t have all the stuff they want. What are they gonna do? I hope it remains peaceful, in a balanced and fair way. I really do. But, I mean, you got Calypso Louie talking about a potential race war, and then you’ve got what happened in Taylor, Michigan, and the general economic climate, it isn’t pretty.

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