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RUSH: Cheryl, the Upper East Side of Manhattan, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s an honor to speak with you.

RUSH: Thank you very much. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Listen, I’m a black conservative, and I just want to make one thing abundantly clear: The media can attempt to paint you any way they want to, but there are no bigger racists in this country than white Democratic liberals. They are and they will forever be the biggest racists in this nation because they seek to determine how black people should think and who black people should support, and the reason for their contempt against Herman Cain is that he has simply said, “I’m an independent thinker. I don’t need to stay on the Democratic plantation in order to succeed.”

RUSH: It really is… Folks, it is no more complicated than that. She’s exactly right, and because of that he represents a great threat to them.

CALLER: But let me give you an example of how Cain would have been treated if he had been a good and docile Negro and stayed on the Democratic plantation. Jesse Jackson, presently, has pending against him in Cook County court in Illinois a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by one Mr. Tommy Bennett, a former male PUSH employee who had sued Jesse Jackson and the push organization for sexual discrimination and Jackson specifically for sexual harassment.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: There has not been one story about this on Politico. Not one.

RUSH: Why do you think that is?

CALLER: Excuse me?

RUSH: Why do you think that is?

CALLER: (chuckles) Please, Rush. As I said, Jesse Jackson has remained on the plantation.

RUSH: Exactly right.

CALLER: So of course he gets special treatment.

CALLER: Yep, that’s exactly right.

RUSH: But I have to make one more point. The other example of how there is a distinct difference in treatment is that during the 2008 campaign, Mr. Obama was accused of a sex and drug-related incident by a man, a Mr. Larry Sinclair. To this day — (static flare)

RUSH: Did we lose hear?

CALLER: — the press has reported it. Now, it could be well, you know, it’s not substantiated. (static) We don’t have facts. Well, there’s no substantiation. (static)

RUSH: She’s having problem on a cell. But I remember the Larry Sinclair thing, and what I remember about it was that the media told us this guy was an absolute weird nutcase, insane lunatic; should have been in asylum or some such thing. Remember that? That was how the accuser was characterized. I remember that. Larry Sinclair. I’m gonna have to Google the name or have one of my vast array of researchers (ahem) Google the name and remind me who Larry Sinclair was. But I remember that the media set out to destroy this guy.

CALLER: (silence)

RUSH: Darn it, we’ve lost her out there! She was on a cell phone calling from the Upper East Side of Manhattan. She’s right — and, by the way, the plantation she’s talking about, the liberal plantation — and there are many black conservatives who, of course, abandoned the liberal black plantation, don’t want any part of it. It’s not just they’ve attacked it because they are considered a threat; it is a form of punishment as well. They go after Herman Cain not just because he represents a threat; he shows other blacks what you can accomplish independently from the Democrat Party and the Jesse Jacksons and all of the prescriptions — liberal affirmative action and all that — but there’s also a punishment, because the message by going after Herman Cain, the message is to other blacks, “You stay right where you are or this will happen to you. You stay on this side of the aisle or we try to destroy you, too.”

(interruption) Yeah, Larry Sinclair had a shady background, convicted felon, reportedly crimes for forgery, bad checks, theft by check; but he did level an accusation against Obama, and it was never treated with any seriousness or sincerity. That’s a good get. I had forgotten that. This is… (interruption) Oh, The Politico did? Okay, here it is. June 18th, 2008. (singing) Summertime and the livin’ is easy. My favorite version of Summertime is by Billy Stewart. Yeah, I think 1964, 1965. Mike, see if we’ve got that in the system. What’s the name of our system? I keep forgetting. (interruption) Yeah, the Prophet System. (Two F’s in there, folks. We’re not talking about money here.) My all-time favorite version of Summertime. Anyway, this is Obama, or Politico reporting on that story in June of 2008.

“Obama Accuser Has Long Rap Sheet — Larry Sinclair is wanted in Colorado, but you can catch him today at the National Press Club. Sinclair is familiar to political junkies and reporters as the source of outlandish allegations about Senator Barack Obama, tales that began with sex and drugs and moved on to murder. The Duluth, Minn., resident is the sort of figure who appears at the margins of every presidential campaign, and both Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had their own obscure accusers with dramatic allegations. But as the old media ignores him, Sinclair has taken full advantage of the Internet, and a video in which he makes his claims that have been viewed more than 900,000 times on YouTube.

“This afternoon, he’s reserved the Holeman Lounge at downtown Washington’s National Press Club to try to lend his story the legitimacy that comes with national media attention. Sinclair’s biography, though, may get in the way of that pitch: Public records and court filings…” See, this guy’s not an Ivy Leaguer. Bernie Goldberg is right. If Larry Stewart had gone to the Ivy League, the media might have believed him. (Hardy-har-har.) “Sinclair’s biography, though, may get in the way of that pitch: Public records and court filings reveal that he has a 27-year criminal record, with a specialty in crimes involving deceit.” So that’s how they handled the Obama accuser at The Politico in June of 2008. Did you find a version of the song, by the way? (interruption) It’s being loaded now. We’ve got everything in the Proffit System! Gosh, when I was a deejay I wish it was this easy. We never had the records. Never had ’em. I remember at my first job I’d volunteering out to the local store and buy the records. The owner was too cheap. Record companies didn’t service small little Podunk radio stations like the one I worked at.

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