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RUSH: I want to replay for you what he said. It was June 3rd in Manchester, New Hampshire, at the University of New Hampshire. He held a town meeting, and during the Q&A, a guy in the audience said, “Nearly all the other candidates suggest there’s no scientific consensus on climate change. Some insist it’s not even happening. We can’t have a meaningful discussion about solutions until there’s agreement about the problem. Will you, sir, state now that under a Romney administration, global warming will be accepted as reality and this reality will form the foundation for all climate and energy policy.” So a commie lib finds his way into Romney’s town hall and lays down a marker. Now, Romney being Romney, wants to please the commie lib.

ROMNEY: I believe the world is getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer; and — and number two, I believe that humans contribute to that. I don’t know how much our contribution is to that ’cause I know there’s been — there have been periods of — of greater heat, uh, and warmth in the past, but — but I believe that we contribute to that. And so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.

RUSH: Okay. Now, I don’t even know if that’s the position of the Republican establishment. (chuckles) I frankly don’t know where the Republican establishment is on global warming. My guess is they probably think it’s happening ’cause they want big government. They just want themselves in charge of it.

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